Chapter 3

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Michaels POV

I can't believe it. All I did was walk into the room and I fucked up big time. Then, I go and knock the new girls books out of her hands. Everyone is right about me, I'm a freak, a waste of oxygen, a fuck up! I groaned in frustration as I sat behind the school during final brake time. I pulled a cigarette out of my bag and made sure nobody was looking before lighting it and inhaling the smoke into my lungs. Nobody knows I do it, it's my escape, my little secret. Each time I inhale the chemicals into my lungs, its doing what everyone wants it to do to me. It's slowly killing me. It gives me a buzz. I watch as the smoke makes pretty patterns as it leaves my mouth, calming me down. I finish the cigarette and put it out, putting a mint in my mouth and spraying myself with aftershave so nobody suspects a thing. I go back into the place I call hell and make my way to the worse class of all....Gym.

*in gym*

"Matthew, you're up!" My gym coach Mr Edwards yelled at me.

"It's michael" I said, suprising myself by the fact I said that without stuttering.

"Oh, so you can speak then?" He says sarcastically, resulting in laughter from the rest of the guys in my group. I hate how even the teachers hate me. I thought the teachers were supposed to "support" you, not act as immature as all the other dick heads in my school.

"CLIFFORD! Get on the court now and play dodgeball with the rest of the team!" Coach yells at me. I stood up and went to the back of the gym behind my team and hid. The game went on for about 10 minutes before everyone on my team was out.

"Guys look, Michael is the only one left" Luke laughed, tossing a ball in the air. Shit. Its literally just me on my team against my bullies Luke, Calum and Ashton. My heart was beating a million miles a minute before a lot of balls were fired at me. "Alright boys he's out" coach said.

"Okay" Luke said before throwing one last ball at me. It hit me right in the face making my nose bleed...again.

"Clifford! Why didn't you try and catch it?!" Coach yelled at me

"I-i um..." I stuttered

"Shut up! Get to the nurses office now! We dont want you getting blood everywhere. Hemmings, Hood, Irwin, good game. You have a good aim, unlike him" coach said, pointing at me.

I walked out of gym and skulked down the corridor to the nurses office.

"Hi Michael. Here again? What happened this time?" The nurse asks

"I-i-i, um, I, f-fell?" I asked questioningly

"Hmmmm, you sure do have a lot of accidents, don't you?" She replies, raising an eyebrow "go and sit in the other room, I'll see to you in a minute. There's a girl in there, she sprained her wrist in gym. Why don't you try and talk to her?"

I walk in to the small waiting room with the two chairs, and my heart starts to race when I see the person I wanted to see most, but also the person I wanted to avoid most. Zoe.

"Hey, Michael. You okay?" She asked

"I-i, um, I'm not supposed t-to talk to you" I whisper, grabbing the remaining chair next to her and sitting down

"Luke says you can't talk to me. That doesn't mean that I don't want to talk to you"

"B-but, I, you, you don't know what he's capable of! P-please, s-stay away from me!" I almost yell

She looks hurt. She nods and looks down at the floor. Great. Now there's another person who hates me.

"Michael! Come in sweetie" the nurse calls and I stand up. I cant believe I just spoke to her like that. I've onky known her for a few days, but she's the only person who has ever attempted to talk to me. I've just ruined everything.

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