Meet Uncle Terri

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I vaguely remembered the last time I had been here. I was parked outside of Izzy's house. It didn't look as colorful and full of life as I remembered it. After I learned that her parents were away leaving her behind to drown in her shame, I insisted that she come help me with my pre-party arrangements. Honestly, she had nothing better to do in the meantime and I thought she could use the company. Who wants to be alone on Christmas?

Meanwhile I was on the phone with Devin giving him a quick update on the past year of my life. Not highlighting the bad as much as the positive. He understood right away and was happy to have her over. I reminded myself not to bombard Izzy with questions, but just let her be and open up in the pace she wanted. This was a fragile new beginning and I had to treat it as I would a pun intended. But I was very curious to who the father was.

To my amazement, Elizabeth came out in a modest burgundy dress covered with a bulky black sweater and her hair up in a tousled bun. She wore simple makeup; this was not the Izzy I remembered, and maybe that was a good thing.

"Hey!" she caught her breath while climbing into my car.

"Ready to prep?" I smiled.

"Sure! Anything sounds like fun right now." She confessed.

I kept the air friendly, filling the car with happy radio tunes, but I grew a little nervous as I kept watching her rub her belly.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh yes I'm fine. She just always moves whenever I'm in the car."

"It's a girl? How far along are you if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh not at all! I'm 7 months now...and Mark is the father."

"Oh are you guys still dating?" I didn't know if that might have been pushing it.

"No, we remained as friends. But he's going to help me and be a part of Rhea's life."

"Is that her name?"

"Yeah...Rhea Meade."

"How have you been...with all this?" I asked worried for my long lost friend.

"It was very hard at first. But she has been my reason to turn my life around. Along with Jordan who's been an amazing help when my parents have turned their back on me. I'm surprised they haven't kicked me out yet. But I'm getting ready to move out into Jordan's apartment not too far away from here."

"Where is Jordan by the way?"

"He left for another mission trip with his surf group. They're volunteering with Operation Christmas Child."

"My friend met him at the restaurant we work at, she said they exchanged numbers." I recalled.

"Yeah he told me about that. He said it had been forever since he had done that, and that he felt weird. How crazy is that huh? My brother the former player feeling weird about getting a girls number...My have times changed."

"It looks like you've changed too, Izzy."

"So have you."

We exchanged a warm smile as I parked alongside the street to Devin's apartment building. For being pregnant, Izzy still moved around with such ease. I carried my bags and escorted her to the elevator.

"Aren't you supposed to be waddling by now or something?" I said in attempt of some light humor.

"I would like to practice the best posture while I still can...perhaps when I'm a little over the 9 month mark." She shook her head and laughed.

Devin greeted us at the door and removed the bags from my hands. He was terribly kind to my friend and insisted that we relax in the den to catch up while he took care of the party dishes. I think seeing her pregnant hit a soft spot with him and the memory of his sister with his nephews.

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