Do we have a future?

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(A/N - Hey guys! I'm still alive. I Mao busy that I totally forgot about this until I found an unfinished draft. I know it's a little short but I'm trying really hard to keep the story going. If you're still reading I appreciate you so much!❤️. Comment and let me know your thoughts and ideas. Lot's of love!🌻☀️)

"You fucking bastard Mew". Lily gritted her teeth at him menacingly. Immediately turning to Gulf she clung to his arm snd cried, "Gulf he's lying to you. I've never betrayed you while he has. Don't you remember how he lied to you? How could you trust him over me? Tell me whatever he told you. I csn clear it all up. Just give me one chance!" she pleaded.

'Ahhh....." Gulf sighed head hanging low and said quietly,"I'm so tired of this circus. It's all just a pretty surface and so totally rotten on the inside. Constant lying and games..... Does it not make you feel sick on the inside? But i guess only someone with a conscience would feel bad. Did you at any point even consider my feelings? You claim to love me and want to spend the rest of your life with me. Did you really want that life to happen based on a bed of deceit?....".

Lily hung her head low clearly at a loss for words.
Gulf slowly stood up, Mew standing up with him lightly holding onto his shirt, almost scared to touch him given his current mood.

"I don't think this even needs to be put into words but were through Lily." Gulf said quietly. "I hope you have a good life and find someone who loves you and hopefully is treated better than I was. I hooe we never meet again.". With these final words he walked out of the room never turning back even once with Mew following closely.

They walked in silence for several minutes. Mew following just behind Gulf thinking about the car ride and the conversation that had happened on the way to the house.

"Um Gulf...." Mew said hesitantly. "I have something to tell you."
"Don't you always?  What now? Are you gonna tell me some important information? Does it have anything to do with Lily?.

Mew was startled by this observation."How did you know it's about Lily!?".

"It was pretty damn obvious that you two know each other and were doing a very poor job of hiding it. Any moron would have picked up on the tension between you two. So.... what's the relationship here? Friend? Ex? Booty call?...".

"Whoa! No!! Nothing like that."Mew quickly clarified." It's a long story but ithink you should know all of it. I'll start from the beginning......"

"And thats exactly how everything went down.." Mew finished the entire tale from start to finish. He felt almost relieved that the entire truth was finally out. But looking at Gulf the relief very quickly turned into worry. He looked scarily expressionless. At no point during the story had he reacted at all.

"So.. that's what happened huh. Sounds like something out of a drama. But unfortunately for me it's real as hell. What a ridiculous fucking game." Gulf spat out in disgust. "Looks like i need to finish this whole charade with Lily today and then.... I'll deal with you too.

Snapping back to reality Mew looked at Gulf's tall figure walking in front of him with sad eyes. I love him so much but I've caused him so much pain because of my bad decisions. Do i even deserve to eant to stay by his side? Wouluhe even want me back?.

Gulf suddenly stopped and Mew bumped knto his back. He turned around and signalled towards a nearby bench.

"It's time we had a talk huh. A talk about us... About out future assuming we have one......"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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