No looking back

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(A/N -  Hie! I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry. I never thought anyone would even bother reading this. Bu if you are thank you so much! If  you have any suggestions please do let me know. I hope you enjoy the chapter! ❤️)

"MEW SUPPASIT JONGCHEVEEVAT! IF I FIND YOUR CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR ONE MORE TIME DO YOU NOT BELIEVE I WILL SHOVE THEM INTO YOUR MOUTH?" Gulf yelled at finding yet another shirt casually tossed on the bedroom floor.

Mew came running into the room almost sliding in the process. "I'm sorry sweetie. I was on a call and got distracted. I'll clean up right away. Dont be mad" he whined slowly going up to Gulf and burying his nose in the crook of Gulf's neck.

"Sniffing me isn't a solution is it you Dodo? Just be careful next time okay."

"Yes Sir!" Mew said saluting which made Gukf break a tiny smile. "I saw that!" Mew chuckled hanging onto Gulf's arm.
"Everyone thinks you're such a big, strong guy when what you really are is a clingy little baby." Gulf said walking out of the room as Mew followed atill hanging onto his arm.

"Well the clingy little baby needs food. I would try cooking but i quite like this place and sending it up in flames would be a pity right?"

I already made some food. Go take a shower and I'll heat it up. "Okay I'll be back soon", Mew left pecking the younger ones cheek.
Mew disappeared into the bathroom while Gulf put the soup on the heat and set the table. Suddenly he heard Mew's phone buzz. He ignored it at first but it kept ringing and finally Gukf went and picked it up. An unsaved number flashed up on the screen and disconnected.

Gulf got curious and unlocked Mew's phone and opened his call logs.

There were multiple calls from that number and Mew had answered a fair number of them even speaking to whoever was on the other side for a while.

Gulf's curiousity was building but he just shook his head. It was probably work related or spam or something. He put the phone back down and went to check on the food.

By this time Mew had showered and changed and came sat down on the table. "Wow. It never amazes me how well you cook. How was i even surviving without you earlier? God the side diahes she cooked were all that i was surviving on" Mew smiled at some distant memory.

"Who's this she?" Gulf asked as Mew seemingly snapped back to reality and just chuckled seemingly a little nervously. "You're behaving like you accidentally just remembered some fond memory with an ex or something".

"Noo!", Mew said vehemently shaking his head " It was just my mom" Mew said extremely unconvincingly.

Why does he even bother lying? Gulf thought to himself. He gets all fidgety and can't make eye contact with me. But something is odd.

And suddenly the multiple missed calls came to mind. He's never slipped up about something like this before. It's almost as if something triggered him recently into remembering things.

Later that night Mew had run down to the grocery store to get some beers. Suddenly Gukf heard a phone ring and realised Mew had forgotten his at home. He picked it up only to see the same unknown number. This time his curiousity got the best of him and he accepted the call and put it up to his ear.
"Hey baby. You finally picked up. You mom has been after me to pick a day for the wedding and so on and well you know how it is. You have to show up. Dont forget you promised."

Gulf trying to keep his voice steady said, "Hello who is this?.

"Oh? Is this somone else? Why are you picking up Mew's phone?"

"I'm his umm.. roommate. May i know who is speaking? I can pass on a message for you."

"Oh hi! i didn't know he had a roommate. I'm Lily. Please tell that idiot to call me back as soon as possible. Oh sorry i almost forgot to mention since you probably dont know who i am. I hope we can meet soon. I'm was a  childhood friend of his and I'm also his fiancee. I'll ask Mew to introducw us sometime."

Without a word Gukf quietly hung up and put the phone back on the table. Face blank and hands limp.

Suddenly his own phone buzzed and he picked it up.

"Hey baby." Mew's voice came over the line. I'm calling from a public booth. I need to get my watch repaired so it'll take me a while to get back okay. So dont worry."

"Okay" was all Gulf said before hanging up. He sunk to the floor and after a minute he began to laugh. He laughed and he laughed through the tears streaming down his cheeks. After a couple of minutes he got up and walked into the bedroom. Flinging everything he owned into  a suitcase and quickly changed.
He took the necklace off and left it on a table. The object he cherished most now something that he didn't even want to look at. He quickly scribbled a few word on a note and dropped it next to it.

He took one last look at the place he used to call home. The place where he let himself love for the first time. And he walked out the door without a second glance back.
Around an hour later Mew came back happily whistling and opened the door, "Hey baby im back. I'm so dumb that i forgot my phone and tge huy at the shop took so long. Ugh im so tired...

At receiving no reply he was confused, " Baby? Why is the house dark? Did you already go to sleep?..... Baby? What the fuck......?" he said opening the bedroom door and switching on the light. The room was a mess and all of Gulf's stuff was gone.

"Baby??? Where are you??? Heyy???" Mew screamed frantically looking around the house in every room. He checked his phone but there were no messages. Suddenly his eyes fell on the table where he saw the necklace glistening and a post it note next to.
It simply said, "Congratulations on your wedding.
Thank you for reaching me that i was capable of love and also that i am now capable of hate. I hope we never meet again. Have a good life.
- Gulf

Mew sank to his knees confusion sweeping through him. Suddenly it hit him snd he opened his phone abd checked the call logs. "Oh fuck!!! No, no this can't be happening. He frantically calked the number back.
"Hello? Lily? Did you just call me?"
"Yeah did he pass on the message already? Why didn't you tell me you have a roommate? You never even introduced him to me.

"Yeah did he pass on the message already? Why didn't you tell me you have a roommate? You never even introduced him to me.

Mew just cut the call burying his head in his knees. You didn't even let me explain. You didn't really leave right. You're just angry. You'll come back right? Mew whispered through tears.

"I won't let you go. I will find you Gulf Kanawut. You're mine and i will find you. Whatever it takes......."

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