Nice to meet you

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(A/N- Hey guys! I really appreciate those of you who are still reading because I barely have the time to write. I'm also having a lil bit of writer's block. Any thoughts or suggestions are always welcome. I hope you enjoy!❤️)

The deafening silence in the car was putting Gulf on edge and so finally breaking it he cautiously spoke," Are you okay Mew? Why so quiet?".
Mew just gently shrugged and said," I'm fine. Just thinking through things.But i did want to ask you something. How long have you and Lily known each other?".

"Hmmm. Well a few years atleast. We were close as kids but then drifted apart as we grew older. We reconnected at a party which her mom hosted and my mom dragged me to. This whole wanting us to get engaged thing has been around since we were kids but I've never really taken it seriously. Lily however seems to have grown quite fond of the idea. And the fact that my relationship had ended and i didn't refuse the engagement spurred things on quite significantly." Gulf explained.

After a minute of silence Mew said," Well she appears to really like you. The challenge in her eyes to me was quite blatantly obvious. But I'm not going to go down without a fight. But Gulf.... i have to ask you. If I hadn't managed to find you in time, would you really have already married her."

"To be honest.....maybe. After we broke up love lost all meaning for me. Since i wasn't going to marry for love anyway and this marriage would make my mother happy i would have agreed to do it."

Mew nodded. "Fair enough. Well looks like i have some work to be done. Anyway. We're here."  he said pulling up outside the estate. "I guess it's time to gently let down your hopeful future mother in law."

They got out of the car and entered the property to find Lily waiting for them. She immediately ran up and grabbed Gulf's arm and tried to lead him away but Mew grabbed Gulf's other hand putting a stop to her.

"Lily you should probably go ahead and greet your parents first. Let them know we're here to visit the. I'll bring Gulfie along don't worry." he said smiling gently.

Noticing that Lily was about to lose her shit Gulf quickly stepped in and said, "Thats okay. Let's just all go together. Okay?." he quickly grabbed Mew away at the same time elbowing him in warning to not provoke her any more.

The three walked into the mansion and suddenly a singsong voice called out," Children come in here.".

They followed the boice int othe living room where a beautiful older woman was sitting and having tea. "My daughter you finally brought my son in law to meet me. And you said you were bringing a friend? Who is ....?" she suddenly trailed off when she spotted Mew.

"Hello ma'am. Pleasure to meet you." he confidently said going up to the surprised woman and shaking her hand." My Name is Mew. Forgive me for dropping by without notice."

Lily's mother quickly clearer her throat and played along. "It's nice to meet you too dear", and quickly went around him to meet Gulf.

'This is going to get interesting.' Mew thought to himself. 'She must be really desperate to bring Gulf into the family but not on my watch. Let's see how long this game plays out.'

"Let's go have some snacks", she said leading Gulf and Lily to the table with Mew following closely.

Mew quickly moved and made sure to take the seat next to Gulf which earned him a look of disgust from both mother and daughter and a small smile from Gulf which made him even prouder.

Both women tried their hardest to exclude Mew from the conversation but he relentlessly kept interrupting and joining in. Especially making sure his arm was always on Gulf's to make a point.

Suddenly the door opened and a young man came running in and stopped on seeing them. "Wow lil sis you've got guts. You brought both your boys here at the same time. Is this some kind of a buy one get one free?" he laughed.

The entire room went silent. With expressions ranging from interest to confusion to fear.
Lily's mom quickly hushed her son and called him over. "Don't mind him Gulf. He always teases his sister about liking all his friends, it's nothing else."

'Ooh nice save', Mew mentally thought,' but this is getting fun now. I need to get them to slip up. Hmmmm....What do i do next?'.

" Hey buddy. Why don't i hang out here with you today?" Mew said to Lily's brother. "Since we're all here we could just stay over and have fun. What do you guys think?", Mew asked with a bright smile.

"Yeah sure I'm in", her brother answered. "Yeah sure why not?" Gulf affirmed too. Lily looked at Mew staring daggers," Sure! Let's do it. This is going to be a world of fun.",. 'A world of pain more like it for you Mew Suppassit', she thought inwardly gritting her teeth.

Mew gently tapped Gulf's shoulder and said," Lets have some fun guys."....

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