Please look at me..

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Present day

Sitting at a table in the corner of the cafe Mew quietly observed Gulf as he went about his work paying absolutely no attention to the fact that his Ex  boyfriend was sitting and observing his every move.

He looks different, Mew thought to himself as he observed Gulf from head to toe. His hair is much longer than he ever liked it. His jaw is much sharper due to his much skinnier figure and his eyes look cold and distant. I haven't seen him smile even once in the last hour I've sat here.

As the evening grew darker an employee came up to  him and gently informed him that the cafe would be closing in 10 mins. "I need to have a word with your boss. I'm an old friend of his". On hearing that she gently apologized and left after waving goodbye to Gulf.

Gulf continued to clean up in silence not once acknowledging Mew's presence. "How long are ypu going to give me the silent treatment? Atleast look at me" Mew said walking up to Gulf his patience now running out. "GULF!!" Mew raised his voice grabbing Gulf's arm. "LOOK AT ME!".

Gulf slowly turned around finally making eye contact and the cold disdain in his eyes made even Mew take a step back.

"I don't know what you're trying to achieve here but i think i was crystal clear about the fact that i didn't want to see your face ever again. You have the audacity to walk into my place and demand things from me like i owe you anything. You want me to talk right? Okay I'll talk. I spent fucking years to put together the pieces of my life. I'm finally at a place where im not really happy but atleast i dont wake up every morning with absolutely to no motivation to even get out of bed. I laid myself bare and i got absolutely burnt and i have no intention of ever letting anyone ever have the ability to hurt me to that extent again. When I look at your face maybe in the past i would have felt anger, pain and all those other bullshit emotions but now you wanna know what i feel when i look at you?" Gulf leaned forward and grabbed Mew's chin with his hands and leaned towards his ear and whispered "Nothing.....".

Mew was stunned by this speech. He expected Gulf to not easily talk to him but he realised how highly he had underestimated how hurt Gulf really was by the past. The sheer calmness with Gulf had spoken was truly scary. He gave out a calm vibe laced with sheer anger and Mew had no idea how to deal with it.

Taking a step back Mew said, "Okay. I came on stronger than i wanted to and i apologize for that. I have a lot i need to explain to you and a lot i need to say sorry for. If you could just let me.."

"What I want you to do..." Gulf said sharply interrupting him, "Is to walk out of here with your useless excuses and apologies. It's been 5 years Mew. I dont want to be miserable anymore. Please juat leave. I dont need or want this."

Sighing Mew walked towards the door and turned back towards Gukf and said, "I know i probably dont even deserve a minute of your time but 1 hour. That's all i ask for. Give me one hour tomorrow so i can atleast tell you the truth i should've told you a long time ago. I'll wait at the pier by the old school tomorrow evening. Please. Just one last chance to explain. Thats all i want." . And with that he smiled sadly and walked out the door.

Once Mew left ,Gulf sank to the floor and muffling his face in his shirt screamed silently letting the unbothered facade he put on fall away.

"5 years. And the sight of you still make my breath hitch. And your betrayal still makes my heart bleed. This time will be different. I swear to God this time whatever happens, I will never give in. Ever..."

The Cold Barista's man || MEWGULFWhere stories live. Discover now