I'm sorry

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(A/N - Hey! Sorry for the angst but its just been one of those days. 😂☀️🌻
Thank you for the comments and showing interest in the story. Anything specific you guys would like me to include in the story let me know and I'll try my best. Thank you so much! All the love!

P.S Don't panic about the storyline yet if you know what I mean. Ok that's it. Enjoy!


"What happened 5 years ago was believe it or not an absolute misunderstanding. I admit I lied about something. But believe me when i say i never cheated on you. I love you more than anything and I would never do that to you." He looked at Gulf's face looking for any hint if emotion but found nothing but an absolute poker face. "Gulf.....? Any questions?".

"I'm listening. If I told you I'd I'll listen and i will. I have many questions but let's start with the obvious one sinve you claim you never cheated....Who's Jennie...?"

Mew took a deep breath and said".... Well technically speaking.... my fiancee."
Hearing these words Gulf laughed out loud." It feels good that i can now laugh about this. And you say you didn't cheat? Ironic isn't it?"

"No! Let me finish!" Mew panicked. "I admit i lied but i dont love her. I never did. She's an old friend of mine. Our engagement was just a show. Her parents were forcing her to get engaged to an absolute jerk and so she panicked and said that she  was in love with someone else."

Gulf suddenly cut him off, " So you're saying that you are the only male she knows to approach for something like this. And you decided that this was an acceptable show to put on behind your partner's back? Do you not see the absolute dumbassery here. On both parts?"

"I know it seems ridiculous but she freaked out and said the first name that came to her mind. And to be fair she didn't know that i had someone at that point of time otherwise she wouldn't have said my name." Mew tried to argue.

"I'm not even saying anything about the girl because i don't even know here and hence have no expectations from her. But what about you? Even if you decided that you wanted to be a saint shouldn't you have atleast discussed this with me? Or am i that much of an unreasonable child in your eyes?" Gulf seethed finally showing some signs of anger.

"I didn't tell you because i thought it would be over quick. The original plan was just to get her parents to calm down a bit and then think of something else. I literally just let her use my name but i guess she got a bit carried away with the whole charade. Gulf. I love you with my whole heart. I was just trying my best not to make you think about things of no consequence. I was just trying to help out a friend. I never did anything behind your back. I don't want you to think i ever took you for granted or that i didn't value your place in my life. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and i have spent the last 5 years beating myself up about not trusting the fact that you would try to listen to me and be reasonable. Please that's what I've always wanted you to know."

An absolute silence fell after that passionate monologue. Gulf stared across the water with a complicated expression on his face and Mew watched him carefully for any reaction.

Finally after nearly 5 minutes of utter silence Gulf let out a sigh. "So that's what happened... Let me sum it up. The so called fiancee was a cover. You were trying to help a friend and not hurt me. And you never cheated on me but your stupid decision to hide it from me destroyed everything. Is that correct?" Gulf listed calmly.

"Yes." Mew sighed. "That's what happened. I know it's been a while but please forgive me. I'll do anything you want me to."

"No need. I forgive you" Gulf said standing up.
Mew shot to his feet stunned by that statement. "You forgive me? Really!? Oh my God! Thank you so much" Mew beamed from ear to ear.
"Well then now that its over. Im leaving. It was nice knowing you i guess. Live a good life Mew Suppassit." Gulf said starting to walk away.

Mew's face immediately dropped. "Wait what? No! Where are you going?" he reached out to reach Gulf.
"What do you mean where am i going? Didn't i say that i would listen to your explanation and leave?.

"But you said that you forgive me. Why are you still leaving?" Mew said his voice cracking.

"I do forgive you because i dont feel like holding a grudge. It was a big misunderstanding and miatakes were made. That's fine. It's been 5 years and now that we've settled everything it's time to move on. No need to hold on to the past."

"But i still love you..." Mew said tears brimming in his eyes.

At the sight of that Gulf turned away so as to not be wavered. "Maybe we can still be friends. Thats the best i can offer you. Nothing more."

"Why? Why can't we get back together? We still love each other. I can feel it. Then why continue to stay apart?" Mew pleaded holding onto Gulf's arm.

"Because a romantic relationship is not something i can offer you anymore. It's not in my control." Gulf said quietly.

"Why????!" Mew screamed. "Why the hell not????"

"Because!!!!" Gulf finally yelled back wringing his arm free. "Im already promised to someone! Its been 5 years!!!!.......

Im getting married......... I'm sorry.."

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