My first love

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Basking in the warm sunlight Gulf opened his eyes sleepily and turned to look at the profile of Mew's face bathed in holden light. 'This idiot looks more handsome the more i look at him. He has beautiful long lashes, a high bridged aristocratic nose and a jawline that could cut glass', Gulf thought as his hand unconsciously moved towards Mew's face and lightly traced the outline of his features.

"Should i turn towards you to give you better access?" Mew smiled as his eyes fluttered open and turned to rest on Gulf's face. To his surprise Gulf didn't move his hand but continued to play with his hair. "You have beautiful eyes. They're live the windows to your heart. Theres so much emotion in them. Some which i can recognise and some which seem very foreign to me. I wonder if I'll ever be able to fully understand you ."

"I'm really not that complicated a person. Whatever i feel i say. If I'm upset I'll tell you. If im happy I'll show you. And if im in love it's always blatantly obvious because I'll have eyes only for that person." Mew said not once breaking eye contact.

"That sounded so perfect I'm starting to wonder if it was rehearsed. How many people have you used those lines on?" Gulf asked playfully.

"You're the first and only one I can truthfully say those words to. I'm a one heart one love kind of guy. I can do anything for the one i love."

"And who is the one you love?" Gulf asked propping himself on one arm to look down at Mew's face.

"My mother used to love going on picnics. It was in between the fresh air, sunlight and flowers that she always looked the most beautiful and content to me. I remember her telling me that when I grow up I should bring the one i love along with me on a picnic to meet her.... And you're the only one I've brought to this place. This is the first time that ive come here since her passing and not felt lonely. I feel happy because I kept my promise to her.

I finally brought the one I love to meet her...."

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