Chapter : 39

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"Audrey..." Gulf was stunned when he heard that name from Mew.

"I miss you...... I thought I will fully recover this time but just like before when I tried it I failed again....." Gulf can help himself to look at Mew softly. Mew didn't notice that there was someone standing behind him and listening to him talking.

"Did you know I trust someone but it turns out I shouldn't trust him..." Gulf didn't get what Mew talked about but he felt like it's about him.

"Should I blame him because of my loss?" 'what?' Gulf fidget his finger.

Gulf held his temple and he felt like he would collapse anytime.

'why I'm affected? I'm not the person he is talking about right?'

"Did you know him? Gulf, the boy you want to help but because of his stubbornness you're the one they kill." When Gulf heard that he almost lost his balance.


"What are you doing?!" Audrey shouted.

"Audrey, Audrey, are you playing the hero again? Now you know all I'm doing then you should die first before him." That person smirks while sitting at the sofa looking at Audrey who's kneeling at the floor while she blocks the boy behind him.

"How dare you!!!" Audrey shouted. She tries to stand but the person guard pushes her down.

"How dare I? That's why I hate you. You only look at yourself, happy being praised by anyone. Did you enjoy it? Now should I pity you seeing you in this situation-"

Their eyes widened when the boy behind him got her gun and shot the person who was talking but the boy didn't have an experience holding a gun. That person's bleeding face was just bruised.

Audrey looks at the boy with concerned eyes and she shakes her head. The boy looks down to avoid Audrey's gaze, he feels guilty right now.

All of them looked at the boy.
"How dare you do that to our boss?!" Their boss gets the gun and shoots it in their direction.

The boy's eyes widened when the person in front of him lay down on the floor while her forehead was bleeding.

"S-sister..... sister  *sob* w-wake up...." He shook her with all his force but that person was didn't move and ran out of breath.

"HAHAHA now it's your turn. Why do you think I shot her first? Because I want to." That person laugh out loud like a devil who scares the boy who was crying, shaking Audrey.

"Shit boss, theres police." All of them start to panic and run in the backdoor they forgot the child crying on the floor.

"Sister, I'm sorry...*sob* sorry.... it's my fault.... I'm sorry…."


"What are you saying?" Gulf asked. He couldn't say a word properly and his voice cracked. Mew turned around while his eyes widened. A few minutes after he recovered from the shock he looked at the Gulf with cold eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He stood up from where he was sitting and walked forward to Gulf direction but Gulf stepped backward he felt that his knee shaking, Mew noticed that he stopped walking and gave a space between them.

"Did I hear right?" Gulf asked and gave a glance at Audrey's grave. Mew didn't answer and he stopped himself from shouting at him.

"Audrey?...... S-sister...." Gulf whisper. He looks at Mew eyes he can't stand it when he sees someone he looks at him with hatred.

"No please listen to me Mew," Gulf said. He knew in Mew's eyes he was blaming him.

"What are we talking about? You should go back to your house just don't look for me and Kaizer again." Gulf shook his head while biting his lip and his eyes were already red.

"Don't look at me like that I'll forget what happened in the past year and erase the fact you're the reason why my wife died." Mew turn around to face his wife grave

Gulf is still biting his lips but this time there's flowing liquid on his face. He can't think anymore. He doesn't know what he needs to do. He felt guilty because of stupidity at that time. There's someone suffering and now the person he loves is the person who has suffered for many years.

He step backward, he slowly turns around and runs fast as he can while still sobbing and forces himself to wipe his face.


"You're not interested, I know everything that's happened to you and about you lover." Mew stops. There's a part of him that he wants to listen to but he can't make himself to be a fool again.


"let's say I know who he is."

"Do you think I'm interested in what you want to say? I don't trust the word coming from your mouth," Mew said, still standing outside. He doesn't want to let Mate go inside to their house.

"That's hurt but let me give it to you." He gave a file to Mew. He hesitated to get it but he was curious.

When he opened the file he saw all about Gulf but he stopped when he saw the Gulf pic when he was child and he looked familiar.

"Do you recognize him?" Mate asks while smirking.

"I don't." Mew said but he felt uneasy.

"Ohh no? Then let me introduce him again, he is the precious sibling of your calling friend and the boy beside your wife when she died. I know you know h-"

"STOP!! I know you're lying you're good at it." Mew should he throw the file at the street.

"Are you sure? That boy looks like your old bestfriend. You didn't doubt him at all? You're that stupid?" Mew eyes widened when he realized something he remembers about the Gulf face. That Mate is telling the truth.

"Now you realize it? Hahaha you're so dumb that's why people around you easily fool you." Mate smirked before he couldn't not to laugh out loud.

Mew grips his hand, his right hand grabs Mate collar and he hits his face using his palm. He keeps punching him nonstop. He stops until he is satisfied Mate is lying on the ground bleeding his nose but he is still smiling.

Mew looked at him.
"Are you satisfied?" Mate asked when he stood up and wiped his face. Mew didn't answer he was just glaring at him while he gripping his hand.

"I'll go now. I hope I fulfill your curiosity." Mate gave his annoying smile after he turned around and went inside his car. He starts the engine and gets his phone in his pants.

He smile devilishly.
"It's done.....this is getting interesting." Mate said while driving. 'The game will begin'

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