Chapter : 31

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"You're a traitor!" The guy can't manage to control his anger at this moment and he couldn't help not to shout at the person in front of them.

"Don't blame me, ok?! Why? I'm not allowed to follow what my heart wants?!" He answered while grinning at them but from the way he talked he looked like he was shouting back. He also looks like someone who doesn't have repentance for the things he just did.

"You're a selfish person! You think we didn't know what you did?!" The other guy shouted.

"I expect that this day will come that all of you will be against my decision. Ha! What a funny friendship we has a bias in this group and the other one is the reason why our other friend is suffering right now hahaha." He devilishly laughs while the two men holding their self not to kill this person laughing at them.

"All this year we let someone who has bad intentions be with us. Because of his selfishness, I feel so disgusted," the one shouted, that made the man in front of them stop laughing and his look sharp.

"Disgusted? You're more disgusting here. You want me to reveal it here in front of him? That his friend is in love, that's why he always does a favor for him and even if others hate that guy he will take his side because he's having his bias." The other guy looks confused about what this man is talking about.

"Shut up!!" The one he mentions grip his collar and give a force punch into his face. The guy he was punching can't move because he's blocking him.

He stopped punching his friend until he was satisfied. The other person inside the house was just looking at them but he was not in his right mind. That's why he didn't bother to restrain his two friends from fighting.

"Are you happy with what you've done? If you are, then don't expect us to give you a chance to make this friendship formed again. You're the one reason why the person I care for is suffering," he said. After that he walked away to the house. He just felt that someone was following him and he knew who that was. He doesn't complain and continues to walk without even thinking about the person walking behind him.

"It's not your fault..." The person finally spoke. He stopped walking and turned around to face that person but his expression is still the same. Looks pale just like he doesn't have blood showing on his skin.

"Yeah it's not my fault then who was the one I can blame!" He said out of frustration. He even blamed himself for the disaster that was happening to them.

"Don't blame yourself! Please...."


"Brother, why do you want us to go here with you?" Gulf suddenly asked Jackson when he observed the large gate that was currently in front.

"Meeting," he simply said. Gulf didn't bother to ask and just followed his brother and walked inside while his gang was behind him.

When they step their feet inside the big hall all the eyes move to stare at them. Gulf knew that all of the people there are dangerous, can kill without resisting and all of that is a gangster like them. They have their own gang and own reputation.

But even though he knew them all, they are opposite to them. Gulf group is unknown, no one knows their gang is exiting. When all the members of the organization go to a gang fight they're not participating. They didn't even know that Gulf was the one who was watching them temporarily while Jackson was doing his own business in the state.

"Hey!" Jackson greeted with his energetic voice and face. Gulf and his gang stood for a second before they sat in front where they could see Jackson near them. Despite the silent surroundings, they can feel behind them looking and grinning like they saw something interesting to beat up.

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