Ch.49 Got Your A*s Handed To You

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"Alright everyone, chill out. That's my kid sis you're bothering. Besides, she has a boyfriend."

I do? So Mikey and I are still together?



"Ain't he lucky."

Disappointed, the group of guys leave. It was only then I realized I was in Shun's store.

I look around, amazed with it.

This place looks awesome. Well actually, now that I think about it, this is the first time I've been in here.

"Sorry, it's been like that a lot lately. Yeah, people are showing up, but most of them keep asking about you. It looks like that free concert got you some mega fans."



"Y-Yes?! Oh, that's super cool!"

"You good? Zoning out isn't really your thing."


"...Anyway, thanks for helping me out today. Those other dorks, had to get their new places ready so they could move back into town."

He's talking about his bandmates.

"No problem."

"Anyways, you're free to go."


"Thanks again. I'll make your favorite tonight."

"Really?" I smile.

"Yep. So-"

"Are you Shun Sato?"

A man in a business suit comes walking into the store like he owned the place. My brother turns his way.

"That's me. Need something?"

"Yes, I wanted to talk to your sister, Homare-... Wait, that's you!"

Passing Shun the guy strolls right up to me. He extends his hand.

"My name is Taka Haruto, miss! It's a pleasure to finally meet you."


"Listen, I'll cut straight to it. I'm an agent looking for fresh talent like yourself. How would you like to beco-"

"Pass~. See ya later, Shun. I'm gonna hang with some friends."



Taka steps in front of me.

"Hear me out please. How would you like to share your music across the world?"

"I said no."

"What? Don't you want to be famous, kid?"

"Leave me alone."

"Ms. Sato, wait! Please! I was lucky enough to witness you sing a few weeks ago. Your voice and ability to write are truly extraordinary. I would love to be the one who made your name known across the world."

"...Nah. I don't really sing anymore."

"Anymore?! But, miss, think about this! Your song was a hit among the locals. And I could tell it was personal-"

"I don't want to be famous. That's lame."

"Don't think about it as trying to get famous. Think of it as you sharing that powerful voice of yours. Your voice has the power to change one mood, think of all the people you could possibly help with the songs you write."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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