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...It hurts to breath...





Slowly opening me eyes to find a white ceiling.


I listen to myself breath into that air mask thingy. Without moving my body, my eyes scan the room.

...I'm at the hospital.


"You're awake... Finally, after six days... I'm so glad."

Six days?! That means it should be August 9th. Wait, who said that?

Sitting by the window brother. He turns his head from the night sky towards me.

"Shun?...Why are you here?"

"...That's right... I was going to be your surprise. Well, better late than never."


"...Mikey and Draken found evidence at Junichi's place. He's serving my sentence...and I was released."


My eyes start to tear up.

"Those guys..."

"Mikey picked me up the night of the festival and dropped me off at home. He said he was going to bring you home later that night."

The festival?! That's right!

"Shun, how's Draken- Ngh!"

Sitting up, I instantly regret my decision. A sharp pain came straight from my chest.

"H-Hey, easy."

My brother is right by my side. I was place my hand over my heart.

"...I can't believe I got stabbed."


"I should of taken that knife away."

"...The doctors said the blade missed your heart by half an inch... You could've died that night..."


I watch as tears form in his eyes. Sitting the hospital bed, he takes my hand.

"I'm so glad you made it through." he sobs. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost the only family I have left..."

"...It's okay. It's going to take a lot more than this to get rid of me." I weakly smile, trying to lighten his mood.

Which oddly, it works to some degree. He stopped crying at least.

"Homare... As your older brother, you know I have to keep you safe."


"I know you're going to hate me for this but...I can't let you see your friends anymore. Mikey included."

My face falls.


"I'm sorry-"

"That's not fair, Shun!"

"Listen... Your friends are a bunch of delinquents, who are in some biker gang... You got dragged into their fight and almost died from it. I won't allow you to get hurt anymore."

"But, they're my friends-"

"Please don't fight me on this."

"...They're the first people to actually like me...besides you and father. They don't bully me like the other kids do at school. They're all so cool and fun to hang out with..."

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