Ch.26 Who's Future Is This?

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After saying our goodbyes, and giving the past Hina a cute necklace, Takemichi and I return to the future.


The world around me begins to fade into view as my surroundings become clear.

"Hmm? Where the f*ck am I?"

Upon looking around, I find myself in a beautifully designed...penthouse?!

...The f*ck?


Did we save the future? Where's Takemichi? Is Mikey around?

"Takemitchy?" I call out for. "Naoto? ...Mikey...?"

"Okay. I only recognize one of those names, and of course it's the one I've told you not to say."

Who's voice is that?

I watch as a man I've never seen before enters the living room, smoking.

I watch as a man I've never seen before enters the living room, smoking

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Who...? What's going on anymore?

"Why are you looking at me like that? You just said Mikey, right?"

"Well, yeah..."


He walks over to the couches, where I was sitting. Standing behind me, I look up at him. Before I even had time to react, his large hand is instantly around my throat.

It became harder and harder to breath.


"You're my wife... So why does an old flame's name come out of your mouth?"

Old flame? Wife? Just who the f*ck is this guy?



He let's me go and I try to collect as much air as I could for my lungs.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Don't ever mention his name in our home. He's gone, get used to it already. It's been twelve years."


"And you still wear that f*cking necklace."

Reaching for it, I find the necklace Mikey gave me. It still looks as new as the day he gave it to me. I glad I took care of it.

That means the future did changed. But, why did mine change so much.

"If you don't destroy that thing soon... I swear to god all the things I ever did to you won't be compared to what I'll do soon. Got it?"

I don't know why, but I nod.

"Good girl. Now get back to work. You're sister is waiting for your new work. I'm heading out. Be home late night."

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