c!jschlatt - Babysitter

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Y/N - Your Name

(Pure domestic fluff and I'm living for it :)
baby Tubbo being adorable and mischievous)


Pulling your hood down to shield your face from the snow, you make your way to the front door of Schlatt's house.

Once you get there, you reach out and rap on the door, waiting patiently for the man inside to answer the door.

After a few moments, you hear footsteps walking up to the door, then it opens to reveal Schlatt.

He looked tired, but happy. His horns were sticking out of wild hair that he'd shoved his favourite NY hat over.

Sat on his hip was his kid, Tubbo, playing with Schlatt's long fingers.

"Hey, Y/N." Schlatt greets, stepping sideways so you can come in out of the snow. You step into the warmth of the house and take of your coat, shaking all the snow off outside of the door.

"Hiya, J. How've you been?" You ask and Schlatt lets out a sigh before answering.

"Y'know, hanging on. This one's been keeping me up most nights, little thing doesn't run out of energy!" He tells you, and you chuckle, as you look at Tubbo's innocent little face. He meets your eyes and giggles sweetly.

"Awww, are you sure? He's such an angel." You reply and Schlatt scoffs.

"It's all an act, believe me. Once night falls, he becomes another kid, I swear." Schlatt says, and you laugh at his seriousness.

"Well you can relax. I'm here to occupy him." You reassure the tired man, and he gives you a lopsided smile.

"You don't know how much it means to me, really." He murmurs his reply softly. You smile affectionately and remove his NY cap, ruffling the brown curls underneath and placing said cap on your own head, walking off further into Schlatt's home.

Schlatt scoffs, trying to ignore the redness rising up on his cheeks. Tubbo giggles again and Schlatt glares at him. "I swear to god, if you tell them jack shit, I'll put you up for adoption." Schlatt threatens the small child.

Tubbo, of course, being a toddler, says nothing.

Later on that night...

Schlatt groans and turns over in his sleep when he feels a soft poking on his back.

He wakes as it carries on, but ignores it, hoping it'll go away. It doesn't.

"What?" He grumbles, and he hears the familiar laugh of his toddler. Schlatt groans as he rolls over to see the mischievous child. "The fuck are you doin' in here?" Schlatt asks him, but Tubbo gives only a smile.

Not even a few seconds later, your head peeks around the door.

"Oh, J, I'm so sorry! I don't even know how he got in here!" You apologise, but Schlatt just chuckles.

"I told you, once it turns night, he's not Tubbo." Schlatt reminds you and you laugh through your nose.

"Sorry again about it Schlatt, I'll be back in a second, hang tight." You say before slipping back into the hallway.

Schlatt notices that his room gets a little darker without you. He frowns.

"Tubbo, 'lil man. Did you tell Y/N anything?" Schlatt interrogates the brunet kid. Tubbo looks confused, but shakes his head anyway.

Schlatt smiles, ruffling Tubbo's hair, "nice one, kiddo."

You come in, as promised, a couple  minutes later with a blanket and a teddy for Tubbo.

"I'll get him to bed, i swear." You promise Schlatt and he nods with a shrug.

"I don't doubt your skills. Have at it." Schlatt says and you enter the room, walking over to the bed and picking up Tubbo. You bid Schlatt goodbye and leave to take Tubbo to another part of the house.

Around 3am...

There's a knock at the door.

Schlatt rubs his bleary eyes and sits up in his bed. "Yeah?" He calls groggily.

You open the door to reveal Tubbo very much still awake and clinging on to your side.

"Uh oh." Is all Schlatt says as you walk further into the room.

"He. Won't. Sleep." You whine, and Schlatt can't help but laugh at your misery.

"And you were so determined." Schlatt teases.

"Shut up!" You counter.

"Make me." He blurts out.

The air in the room goes silent, and a tension forms between you and Schlatt. You clear your throat and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Wanna try?" You ask, and Schlatt rolls his eyes, but extends his arms anyway.

Once Tubbo is safely in the mans arms, you sit beside the two and watch as Schlatt tries to soothe his kid. 


"Hey, Y/N, he's asleep!" Schlatt whispers to you.

When you don't answer, he looks up at you in curiosity to see that you've fallen asleep.

Fight as he may, Schlatt can't hold back the smile that makes its way on to his face.

Turns out that the babysitter for the night fit more as a member of the family. 

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