c!Quackity - Never really alone

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Y/N - Your Name

(c!Quackity with an 8-Ball false eye is my favourite)


You'd heard of Alex's former fiancé's. Of course you had. In stories he told or in murmurs as he slept, their names always seemed to come up. And as Alex's friend, you felt a pang of sympathy at how his eyes would sadden when thinking of them.

So you decided to help him.

You knew that the last thing he needed was to be alone, so you planned to show him, even in subtle ways, that you're there for him.

The next day...

Alex walks into the room, looking tired and annoyed. His hairs a mess and his clothes are wrapped haphazardly around his frame.

You rise to your feet, and move over to your friend. "Hey, Q. You ok?" You ask softly, reaching out and brushing the hair out of his face. Alex's eyes widen and his mouth curls into a gentle smile.

"Yeah, I'm ok." He assures and you nod, not wanting to pry.

You click your tongue as you try to thread your fingers through his dark hair, only to be stopped by a knot clinging around your finger.

You turn, and reach into a nearby chest, fishing around for the hairbrush you left in there a while back. "Aha!" You pull out the brush and turn back to Alex.

His smile widens, and you lead him to a chair. Once he settles in it, you set to work on getting rid of the knots in his ebony hair. "That feels nice." He murmurs, leaning his head back so you can brush easier.

After you're done...

"There we go, nice and soft." You say, and Alex lifts his head, thanking you quietly.

"Since it's so soft, could you- uh.. could you play with my hair?" He asks sheepishly, his real eye downcast.

You lips part in surprise, but you do what he wants, running your fingers through Alex's hair. You gently play with strands of his hair, and it makes him hum in pleasure.

"I can't remember the last time someone did this for me." He admits. You carry on playing with his hair as you 'ahh'. "Karl used to do it." He adds on after a few seconds rest.

Your movements cease and he lets out a sad sigh. "I really miss him. I miss both of them." He whispers, and you can see the shine of the tears building up in his eye.

"I know, just let it out." You reassure Alex, but instead of just crying where he sits, he gets to his feet and envelopes you in a hug. His shoulders shake as you feel his tears soak through your shirt.

Your hand comes up to trace patterns on his shoulder blades, calming him down a little.

"I will always be there for you, never forget that." You whisper into Alex's ear, and he buries his face deeper into your shoulder.

After a good few minutes of crying, Alex pulls away, eyes puffy and red, and his nose running. "Thank you." He mumbles.

"No, no. It's fine! I'm here for you," you say, "in fact, I'm gonna be here for you through it all."

MCYT Oneshots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora