au!Dream + au!jschlatt - Royalty pt.2

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Y/N - Your Name

(Part two babyyyy 😎😎
I need to write more Schlatt cause he's pretty poggers (don't kill me it's my opinion))


"Well, maybe I'll make you regret it by doing this." Schlatt murmurs before grabbing Dream's mask and pulling it off forcefully.

Dream's body freezes in shock. He can feel the cold air on his previously covered face.

Y/N gasps. Dream's eyes wander over to her face, still widened.

She's searching his face, there's no point in trying to cover it now.

His bright green eyes and scarred face are open for Y/N to see.

Schlatt laughs.

"Schlatt! How could you?" Y/N scolds.

"He punched me!" Schlatt defends, almost in a childish manner.

Y/N sighs. Dream looks at her with uncertainty.

"You're both in the wrong." She says simply.

Before either of the men can say anything, Y/N gets up from her bed and walks out, her dress flowing behind her as she slams the door shut.

A little while later...

"Y/N, I'm sorry." Schlatt mumbles. Y/N looks up from her book.

"Are you?" She snaps, Schlatts eyes fall downcast. He nods, not bringing his eyes back up to look at her.

Y/N had never seen Schlatt look so honest before. She bit her lip, thinking.

"Alright," she gives in, "promise not to bully any more of my guards?"

"I promise." Schlatt replies with a smile, brown eyes on hers again.

Y/N smiles back gratefully, placing her book down and hopping up from her chair. Schlatt wraps an arm around her shoulder and starts walking along the corridors of the castle.

Along the way, the pair cross paths with Dream.

"Oh. Look who it is!" Schlatt exclaims, but Y/N gives him a light smack to the chest, reminding him of his promise. He apologises.

"Hello Sir Dream." Y/N greets, and Dream bows his head in response.

Y/N hardens her jaw and carries on walking, leaving many a word unsaid between her and Dream.

"You sure you just wanna leave it like that?" Schlatt asks lowly as they walk.

Y/N nods. "He's a knight. It- it can't ever happen," she says, "anyway, what would be the point in pretending to love someone?"

Schlatt quirks a brow, tilting his head as well. "You don't love him?" He ponders, and Y/N shakes her head.

"No. I- I never wanted romance with him. I wanted friendship." She reveals and Schlatt purses his lips, nodding.

"Do you love anyone?" He asks, and Y/N smiles.

"Now, why would you want to know, Your Highness?" She teases, making Schlatt shrug jokingly.

"I mean, just curious. Not like I confessed my love to you then kissed you or anything." He replies, jokingly but stating the facts.

Y/N bites her lip. "I do love someone." She says, answering Schlatts previous question. He raises his eyebrows and leans his head forward, prompting her to tell him who she loves.

"You know him very well," she tells him, "he's tall, handsome, brown hair and brown eyes..." She trails off at the end, grinning at the Prince.

"If it's not me and it's Wilbur or some shit, I'm gonna scream." Schlatt deadpans, although there's humour glinting in his eyes.

Y/N laughs, "don't worry, it is you!" She divulges.

Schlatt pauses, expecting the answer but still somehow not prepared for it. After a few beats, a smile creeps its way on to Schlatts face.

Before he can say anything, Y/N surprises him further by pressing her lips to his.

The kiss only lasts a few seconds, and Schlatt was left wanting more. But, Y/N pulls away completely, a cheeky grin on her face. She winks at Schlatt before muttering that she's going to discuss something with her father.

"Hey, no fair!" Schlatt calls after her as she disappears around a corner.

After Schlatt gives up on seeing her around a corner, he sighs contentedly.

He practically spins as he turns around.

Although his on-cloud-9 attitude is dampened by the sight of Dream standing menacingly at the other end of the hallway.

"Oh. Hi." Schlatt greets emotionlessly, despite a little anger if you listened closely.

"Hello, Prince Schlatt." Dream mutters coldly. "So, she picked you." He adds, and Schlatt nods once, although he can't hold back that smile at the knowledge she loved him too.

"I'm sure you'll both be very happy." Dream grumbles. Schlatt relaxes his posture, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Thanks dude." He replies. Dream bites the inside of his lip.

Dream fought with himself. This Schlatt was actually pretty nice, the aura around him carried positivity.

The Schlatt in Dream's head was vile and scheming, not this approachable, kind-looking man before him.

Dream gives a curt nod, and strides quickly past Schlatt, but stops as Schlatt grabs his arm.

"Hey, I'm sorry man," Schlatt says earnestly, "I was just jealous of how much Y/N likes you. I'm not a bad guy. Really."

Dream swallows. He couldn't help but be understanding to Schlatt's point.

"It's fine. I'm sorry too. I hope your jaw is ok." Dream replies. He then nods again, and removes his arm from Schlatts grip. He walks around the corner.

With the conflict resolved between the two men, and Schlatt and Y/N starting what could be a great journey, things were looking up.

It was going to be ok.

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