Slimecicle - Nice to meet you

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Y/N - Your Name

(Ok please don't come for me, this is only a fanfic and I'm not saying Charlie's gay)


"Hey!" Greets a cheery American voice, you smile a little, "hi Charlie." You reply.

The voice goes quiet for a second and then speaks up, "who are you, man?"

You laugh. "I'm Y/N." You tell him, Charlie falls quiet for a second.

"Oh god." He murmurs.

He'd never heard your voice before. You're a famous animator, and hadn't done a voice reveal. Until now.

Despite the lack of knowledge on your voice, Charlie had seen many a photo of you.

And Charlie had spent a very long time talking to his friends about you.

Let's be honest, he was thirsting over you.

Schlatt laughs, he knows exactly why Charlie was quiet.

"Y'know, Y/N, Charlie does know who you are. He-" Schlatt starts, but Charlie cuts him off by yelling.

You sit there, a bit confused. "What's going on?" You ask. Charlie sighs. He knows Schlatt will find a way to tell you one time or another.

"Schlatt, please don't do it..." he trails off preparing for Schlatt to tell you anyway.

And as Schlatt opens his mouth to tell you, Tommy butts in.

"Ok guys let's start recording!" He announces, and Charlie thanks god for TommyInnit for probably the only time in his life.

You all click 'record' on your cameras, and the video starts.

Tommy introduces the video, which is a size mod. You smile with excitement, and immediately pick the smaller sizes to morph into.

Charlie does the same and you both laugh as you look at eachother.

"We're the small boys!" You announce, and Charlie does the classic Minecraft crouch dance.

"Yeah!!" He agrees, and you laugh.

Charlie quickly learnt that he adores your laugh.

"Ok Charlie, can we hop into a Vc real quick?" You ask, and Charlie's face heats up.

"Sure." He says, a feeling of butterflies rising in his stomach.

Why was he so nervous? It's a voice call!

Charlie clicks over to the Vc you'd joined, and waits for you to speak.

"Ok Charlie, the way I see it, us little guys are the superiors. We can do anything." You say urgently, and Charlie mulls it over.

"You know what, you crazy son of a bitch, you may be right!" He exclaims and you laugh again.

Music to his ears.

You and Charlie discuss plans to absolutely annihilate Schlatt and Tommy, then join back into their Vc, acting completely normal.

"What did you guys talk about?" Tommy asks, and you shrug.

"Small guy stuff." You answer simply, and Tommy laughs obnoxiously.

"That gave us absolutely no answers." Schlatt mutters, and you just click your tongue and tell him that you won't reveal anything else.

A while later...

Tommy screams as you grow to a massive size.

"Shit, wrong button." You mumble, shrinking down to be small again.

This little mistake makes the group laugh, and you shake your head with a quick roll of your eyes.

After recording...

"Ok, Y/N, I've held this back the entire time." Schlatt says suddenly, and you perk your head up.

"What is it?" You inquire.

"Well, ya see, our good pal Charlie Slimecicle has a bit of a crush on you." He smirks, and Charlie, having just rejoined the Vc, lets out a little groan.

"Fuck you, Schlatt." He mutters, and Schlatt laughs, leaving the Vc.

You sit there, silent, processing the information.

"When he said crush, does he mean a little internet crush or... y'know?" You queried.

"The second one.." Charlie admits, sinking down in his chair.

He's glad he's not recording right now, or all the camera would see would be Charlie's bright red face and awkward expression.

"Well, uh- ok. Uhm." You stammer, and Charlie wants to curl into a ball and die.

"Ok, I know it's so stupid but I just-". Charlie starts, but you cut him off.

"It's not stupid." You tell him, and he smiles a little.

"Oh?" Is all he can say in response, his heart beating too loud in his ears to think.

"You're funny, and pretty cute, I have to say." You mutter, and Charlie swallows thickly.

"Is that a funny and cute in an 'oh wow I like you' way or a 'like a friend' kind of way?" Charlie asks and you chuckle.

"The first one." You divulge, and Charlie's heart stops dead in its tracks. For a solid few seconds, Charlie forgets how to breathe.

"O-oh wow." He manages to choke out, and you smile at how flustered he is.

"So I guess I'll catch you later, Charlie Slimecicle." You murmur, and he laughs giddily.

"Yeah, yeah definitely." He replies, a bit starstruck by the interaction.

"Nice to meet you." You laugh.

Charlie bites back a smile.

It's not often people recognise their soulmate in such a short time.

Yet here you are,

You both have.

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