c!Technoblade - You're not so bad

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Y/N - Your Name

(Felt like writing a technoblade chapter, so here you go)


The last thing you remember before passing out, was the feeling of a sword in your shoulder. The white-hot pain would forever be ingrained in your head. A reminder of the betrayal.

But now you opened your eyes to see a snow covered plain.

And you were being dragged.

"Huh? Who- what's going on?" You manage to choke out, and the tall figure  stops in their tracks.

Their head turns to look at you and you'd recognise that hog skull anywhere.

The figure was Technoblade.

Being illuminated by the light of the moon, he looked almost ethereal, and you could really see why people called him a god.

"Be quiet. We're almost there." He grunts out and your eyebrows furrow in surprise.

"Excuse me? You're dragging me along a snowy mountain which I didn't even know existed, and you're telling me to be quiet?!" You rant, squirming your legs that are in his grasp.

He keeps a firm hold on you, letting out a heavy sigh. "Talking saps your energy. You're hurt. So sit tight and be quiet." He deadpans and you relax.

"Oh. Well you could've said that." You mumble quietly afterwards. Much to your surprise, a short huff of laughter comes from Technoblade.

You let yourself be dragged along by Technoblade, the furry coat he must have placed around you had a hood that prevented the snow from getting in your hair.

A short while later...

"We're here." Technoblade growls. Your head perks up, looking up at the large, cozy cottage in front of you both.

"Where exactly is 'here'?" You ask, the warm lights in the windows of the cottage reflecting in your eyes and setting a warm glow across your face.

Technoblade's heart skips a beat.

He hates it.

Yeah, you're... handsome, but he can't just let himself like you like that. If he let himself like you at all.

"My home. You'll be staying here until you're healed." He tells you, deep, rough voice sending shivers down your spine.

"Ok." Is all you say in reply, lifting yourself on to your elbows and immediately regretting it.

The pain tearing through your shoulder is excruciating. Your face contorts in pain and the hiss of pain you let out makes Technoblade whip around to face you.

You can't see his face, but you can almost imagine the concern on his face.

Wait. No. He doesn't really care. He's just helping you in some sort of plan for power.

Technoblade is knelt at your side, gently leaning you back and releasing the sharp pain in your shoulder.

"Thank you." You breathe, grasping Technoblade's wrist. He pauses and looks down at your hand grasped around his wrist.

"I- uh, what- I'm- I'm just... no problem." He stammers, and you can see the small window of his face the hog skull left open turning red.

You chuckle, releasing his wrist from your grasp.

He moves his arms under you, and picks you up bridal style.

He walks you up the stairs leading to the front door of the cottage. He glances around, looking for a place to set you down.

He settles for the floor, but not before he throws a blanket down on to it.

"You stay here, I'll get the medical supplies." He huffs, standing up.

He shrugs off his red winter cloak, revealing a white peasant blouse shirt underneath, and he pulls out his ponytail. His long pink hair tumbles over his muscular shoulders as he searches through the chests in the house.

You can't help but admire him, and when he turns back to look at you, he catches you staring at him.

"You good?" He asks and your face heats up. You nod quickly, looking anywhere but him.

He walks back over to you, setting down his supplies and slowly removing the fur coat he'd given you, being careful not to hurt you too much.


You sigh in relief as the tight bandage relieves some pain.

"Thanks, Techno." You murmur, locking eyes with the red eyes under the skull.

Then, he does something you didn't expect.

He took off the hog skull.

Your eyes lock on to his, and you can't help but let them wander over his strong jaw and his furrowed pink eyebrows. And you can't help but notice the jagged scars that mark Technoblade's face.

Again, Technoblade catches you staring. "Y'know, you can stop staring at me now. I'm nothin' special." He grumbles, eyes flicking between the floor and your face.

You scoff, and roll your eyes. "Yeah, right." You quip. Technoblade tilts his head a little bit and searches your face for a trace of a joke or a prank.

"You really think-? Ok." He faltered, playing with his hands.

You chuckle softly, eyes regarding him fondly.

"What?" He asks, and you shrug, albeit a bit painfully.

"You're not so bad, Techno." You grinned.

Technoblade freezes up at that, eyes wide and hands still.

You smile wider and he scoffs trying to keep up an illusion of nonchalance, but failing miserably.

The next few weeks were filled with your consistent flirting and Technoblade's reddened face as he tries to deal with all the compliments you're giving him.

He'd never tell you, but he liked your attention.

And he was beginning to like you.

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