c!TommyInnit - Exile

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Y/N - Your Name

(This is set back in Tommy's exile so yeah
I made the reader gender neutral so my enby and male readers can finally read a TommyInnit chapter lol
Also disclaimer, I don't hate Dream, his characters just an asshole)


I walk through the nether, jaw clenched and fingers shaking.

I swallow nervously as I reach the nether portal. His nether portal.

I step up on the bottom of the portal, and feel the familiar nausea of leaving the nether and heading to the over world.

Stepping out in the over world, I see rolling green hills and large expanses of flowers and plants. The fluffy sheep and grazing cows make me gasp softly, wanting to pet them.

I finally bring my attention away from the animals and look around the other side of the portal.

At the bottom of a short hill, I see a few tents and a wooden wall housing a little blue cabin.

It's aesthetically pleasing and idyllic, so I can't help but wonder how someone as prone to ugly cobblestone towers as Tommy could build something like this.

As I'm bringing myself out of my thoughts, I see a familiar blond boy walking around the tents.


I nearly cry with joy when I see him. It's been weeks since I've seen by boyfriend, and I want to hug him so bad.

I run down the hill, nearly tripping a few times, calling out Tommy's name.

He turns with a confused look before I barrel into him, nearly knocking him over with the running-hug.

"Y/N?" He inquires, and I pull away to give him a wide smile.

"I've missed you, Tommy." I murmur, resting my head back in the crook of his neck. He places a hand on my back and places the other on my head, playing with my hair.

"I've missed you too," he says, "yknow, considering you haven't even bothered to visit at all before now." His tone is slightly joking, but I can sense the anger and betrayal behind it.

I remove myself from the hug with a sad look. "I didn't- I didn't know." I explain but he narrows his eyes, not believing me.

"What? You had no idea I'd been exiled?" Tommy asks, aggression rising up in his voice.

"I had no clue! I wasn't there, and Dream stopped me from seeing-" I start.

"Bullshit." Tommy interrupts, taking a step back from me.

"What? Tommy, I'm telling the truth!" I insist, but Tommy shakes his head.

"No. Dream's the only one who's visited me. He's my friend. He wouldn't stop you from seeing me." Tommy says, making me laugh in disbelief.

"You believe Dream over me?" I ask incredulously. Tommy's eyebrows furrow, and I can almost see the cogs turning in his head.

"I don't- I don't know.." Tommy trails off, blinking rapidly as he tries to think.

I sigh, not wanting our first interaction after so long to be an argument.

"Does it really matter whether or not I've visited before? I'm here now, and I'll visit more often from this point onwards." I promise, reaching out and holding Tommy's hand.

He looks down at our intertwined fingers, taking a beat before smiling.

"I guess I'll let it go," he gives in, "for now." I smile and pull him back into a hug.


"Hello Tommy." Comes Dream's voice from outside the tent.

I tense nervously, leaning into Tommy, almost as if I was searching for protection.

"Hi Dream." Tommy replies. Dream comes around the corner, in a good mood.

Then he spots me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Dream asks, his floating head tilting. I can sense the anger behind his cold, black eyes.

"Visiting my boyfriend," I reply, "no thanks to you."

Dream breathes slowly, perhaps trying to calm himself down, before pointing out to the direction of the nether portal.

"Leave." He mutters simply.

Both me and Tommy make confused faces in unison.

"What- you can't make me leave!" I protest, but Dream just laughs.

"Yes I can." He says darkly. He reaches into his belt to get his sword, but stops when Tommy jumps to his feet.

"Dream, what the fuck!?" Tommy cries out, splaying his arm out in front of me in a protective manner.

"They're not leaving, Tommy, I have to make them." Dream growls. Tommy scoffs and walks up to Dream, pushing his face into Dreams.

"Fuck off." Tommy seethes, a venomous tone overtaking his voice.

Dream sighs, sheathing his sword.

"They still need to go." Dream persists, and I sigh, getting to my feet.

Before Tommy can protest, I assure that it's fine and that I'll go.

"What? Y/N you can't-" Tommy starts, but I silence him with a raised hand.

"You're both getting pissed off and I don't want you to get hurt." I reason, and Tommy's shoulder slump.

"I'll come back." I whisper to him in a promise only he can hear. He brightens up after that, and I smile warmly at him.

I turn to Dream with a glare. And honestly, looks could kill, he'd be dead.

I leave, climbing the hill and entering the nether portal, stealing one last glance at Tommy's forlorn expression as he watches me leave.

I'd be back.

Why? Cause fuck Dream.

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