God I love you guys

812 19 11

Aaah omg

4.1k reads and 99 votes is absolutely insane! You guys are so amazing!

And since I'm so happy rn, I'm in the mood to compliment my beautiful readers :)

As I said, you're all beautiful!

I love you so much, dudes, girls, fellow enbies, genderfluid people, Demi people.. whoever! You're all absolutely brilliant and valid! Literally so valid.

If you're going through a rough time, I'm here to tell you that it'll get better, no matter how shit it seems right now. You are stronger than you think and I know you can get through it.

No matter what anyone says, you are valid, you are amazing, and I'm proud of you.

Keep your head up high or that crown'll fall 👑
(lol cringe but it's true)

I cannot express how much I love y'all :))) you're all elite 😎😎😎

I am so happy you decided to click on my book and even vote on the chapters!

Aaaah I'm so grateful for every single one of you!

Also thank you Kingphan_Phantoms for being so supportive and nice on all my chapters and in my conversations 😭😭 you're literally so nice bro 
You've grown my ego so much lol tysm <3

Ok now I've ranted about how much I love you guys, I think I'm gonna end this appreciation chapter

Thank you guys! You're all amazing and I love you! 🥰🥰🥰

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