c!Technoblade - Villain (pt. 1)

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Y/N - Your Name

(Character Technoblade my beloved. I love him. The fan art really adds fuel to that fire tbh)


The familiar anxiety of waiting for your friends to return claws it's way through your body, making your hands shake and your throat tighten.

When you see them come around that corner, you'd be fine. But until then, you were a ball of nerves.

An hour later...

The sight of your friends walking quickly around the stone wall you'd been staring at all night came as a big relief. You were starting to think of the worst scenarios. They arrived before you went mad.

In the hands of Quackity and Fundy, you could see a limp body. Who was it? All of the people that left had come back, so who was the extra?

Jogging closer to the gang, you call out to them: "who's that?"

Once you're close enough, you don't need an answer.

The long, pink plaited hair and the muscular stature. His white dress shirt and red fabric tied around his waist. The golden jewellery and chains.

It all gave him away immediately, even though he was lacking his signature hog skull over his face.


The boys had been agonising over him for ages. He was a menace in their eyes. Chaotic, but skilled.

He could wreak havoc and not even gain a scratch on his body. He was a god in most kinds of combat.

Yet there he was, laying unconscious in their hands, being dragged along.

"What did you do to him?" You ask nervously, honestly quite scared of the amount of force they'd had to have used to knock out the muscular fighter.

"It's not important, Y/N, we need you to build a cage."

You gulp, you'd never seen your friends so hostile, so... wild. You scurry of to collect the materials for a strong enough cage to house the Blood God himself.

A while later...

"Boys! I'm done!" You yell, and they all hurry to bring Technoblade over.

His deadweight was hard to carry, even for the group of four men. Even when unconscious, Technoblade found new ways to be intimidating to you.

Your friends haul Technoblade's body into the cage and you shut the door, locking it tight.

"Boys, you did a good job." You praise, smiling at them. They all give you lazy smiles back, and that's when you notice their states.

They were all half asleep and pretty beaten up. You decide they need a rest.

"Let me keep watch, you all look exhausted!" You exclaim, and they try to argue, but their fatigue gets the better of them and they head off to sleep.

Hours later...

Technoblade's body shifts as he regains consciousness. He lets out a groan, rolling on to his back.

"Hey, you. Let me out of here." He grumbles and you eye him warily.

"Why would I do that?" You ask.

"Cause I asked." He replies, lifting his head to look at you.

"Colour me convinced!" You sass, glaring at him, crossing your arms over your chest.

Technoblade huffs and drops the conversation, sensing your lack of help.

"At least bandage me or something. I'm bleeding out over here." He complains, making you rise to your feet and walk over to his cell. You look through the bars, and sure enough, a large red stain had spread over Technoblade's midriff, ruining his white shirt.

"That looks nasty." You comment, and he sighs. "Then help me." He says and you weigh your options.

Go in and tend to his wounds, risking him escaping? Or leave him bleed and potentially have him die?

You felt bad for Technoblade. He'd been quiet for a few months, keeping to himself.

That's what amounted in your decision to help him.

"Stand at the back of the cell. I'm coming in." You inform, grasping the medical kit in your hands. Technoblade complies, pressing his back against the back bars of his cage.

You quickly hop in, closing the door behind you and affectively locking you in with the most notorious criminal in the whole of DreamSMP.

You regain your composure, there's no use freaking out. You're in there, and there's no use pussying out.

"Let's do this." You say, unbuttoning the bottom of his dress shirt and revealing the wound.

You could tell immediately it was that of an axe. You hiss at the gory appearance of the wound, grabbing the disinfectant as you observe it.

You dab the soaked cotton against the bloodied injury, making Technoblade inhale sharply. "Sorry." You mutter, continuing to dab at the wound. Once done disinfecting, you prepare gauze and bandages.

"How are you feeling? Dizzy at all? Nauseous?" You ask him, and looking at his face, he's surprised you care.

"Uh, I'm fine." His deep voice is unsure and sheepish, something you didn't expect coming from such an infamous and supposedly cruel man.

"That's good. Haven't lost too much blood then." You say, more to yourself than to him. Technoblade shifts on his feet, and you glance up at his face once more.

"You ok?" You ask, and Technoblade pauses, wondering what to say. "It's just- you're being nice." He explains and you tilt your head.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

This time you really catch him by surprise. His pink eyebrows shoot up and his red eyes gaze at you in wonder.

"Uh, just- thanks."

You chuckle softly, making sure the gauze is in the right place before starting to wrap the bandage around his midriff.

"No problem, Techno." You reply, and you cringe as you realise the nickname you'd just given him. He doesn't respond, so you brush it off without apologising.

He sighs in relief as the pressure of the finished bandage relieves some pain.

"That's better." He says and you give him a warm smile. "Remind me to change it when needed." You tell him and he nods.

You pick up all of your supplies, and carefully head out of the cage.

You sit outside of Technoblade's cell all night, 'keeping guard'. You both engaged in awkward conversation, but it was a refreshing change to the usual hostility that Technoblade faced.

You grew quite fond of Technoblade in that one night, and decided you couldn't let your friends kill him.

You were going to help him escape.


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