c!Badboyhalo - Friends

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Y/N - Your Name


Bad had always found it hard to make friends. It wasn't exactly his fault he was born a demon, was it?

Over time, he'd come to peace with the fact that he'd never make a friend.

But then, a man named Skeppy came into his life and changed his views.

Being a diamond ore hybrid, Skeppy understood being feared and hated by people, and was a good friend to Bad over the years.

But still, Bad longed for another friend.

And when you rolled up unexpectedly into his life, he hardly expected you to want to come anywhere near him, being an angel and all.

But you surprised him. The first time you met him you greeted him with a wide smile and an extended hand.

Needless to say, he was absolutely dumbstruck.

"Bad!" You called out, running down the steep mountain. You tripped a few times but your large white wings caught you and kept you upright.

He let out a little "oof!" as you enveloped him in a running hug, nearly knocking him off his feet.

With him being 9'6, it was difficult for you to hug him, even being 6'6 yourself. You settle with hugging his thighs instead.

Once the he regained stable footing, he manages to say hi back.

"How've you been?" You ask, resting your head on his stomach. His heart goes all warm and fuzzy, suddenly he's overwhelmed by affection for you.

"Good!" You chirp, smiling brightly.

"That's good." He answers.

"So, what's new in DreamSMP?" You ask.

Bad's eyes light up and he grabs your hand, tugging you along while relaying the news from around DreamSMP.

A few days later...

"Thank you for being my friend, Y/N." Bad murmurs out of nowhere, resting his head in his hands and regarding you with a smile.

You glance over at him and return the smile.

"Of course! You're a good guy, Bad." You reply and his smile widens. He gets up from his seat and makes his way over to you.

You turn to face him and he bends over to wrap you up in his arms. He straightens his back and pulls your feet off the ground so you dangle in the air.

You awkwardly koala-hug him, and you both bask in each other's warmth.

"I love you, Y/N." He whispers, and you smile.

"I love you too, Badboyhalo." You reply softly. He giggles at the nickname and gives you a big squeeze.

You bump Bad's head gently, and he laughs yet again. He bumps back and your smile widens.

"You're an amazing friend." He says.

"I know." You murmur confidently, flipping your hair with a mischievous glint in your eyes.

Bad laughs through his nose, "yes you are," he chuckles, "and I'm forever grateful."

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