Ghostbur - Eternity with you

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Y/N - Your Name


Ghostbur stares at the floor.

Just as he does all day, every day.

The trains sits idle as the ghost gets lost in his own thoughts.

While in those thoughts, he's distracted and he doesn't notice the figure of a man approaching the train.

Your footsteps echo from the open train compartment door.

"Hello." You mutter.

Ghostbur's head shoots up and he gasps as he sees the man before him.


"Oh my god, Y/N!" Ghostbur exclaims, jumping from his seat and running into your arms.

You embrace your dearly missed ghost friend. You exhale heavily and pull away with teary eyes.

"Y/N, what- how did you get here?" Ghostbur asks, and your teary yet happy expression falls into a dull look of sadness.

Realisation hits Ghostbur as he sees the large axe gash in your shoulder.

"No..." Ghostbur whispers, his heart dropping. "No! You can't be- you can't be dead!"

Ghostbur knows full well of the torment and anguish that came along with being dead, forced to stay forever in the train station. The train never goes anywhere, just in circles, always back to the same place. It felt like a punishment.

He didn't want you to suffer as he does.

So he doesn't want to believe it.

Your gaze falls to the floor and Ghostbur feels hot tears rising in his eyes and sees them blurring his vision.

"I'm sorry." You choke out. Ghostbur covers his mouth with his hand as he tries to hold back a sob.

"At least I'm here with you." You say, and Ghostbur nods, tears escaping his eyes and rolling down his already tear-stained cheeks.

"What happened?" Ghostbur asks through hiccups and sobs.

You pause, biting the inside of your lip. You clearly didn't want to tell Ghostbur how you died.

"Y/N, tell me!" Ghostbur demands, voice strict yet shaking.

"It was Techno," you inform, "we were fighting, he didn't mean to, he-"

Ghostbur cuts you off with a hug.

"I'm sorry you went through that." He whispers and you sigh, thankful he wasn't angry at his adopted brother.


You and Ghostbur sit side by side on the train seats, holding hands.

Conversation had died out a while ago, and you were just sitting together, Ghostbur enjoying finally having company. Whereas you enjoying being with Wilbur again, even as a ghost.

"Does this train ever go anywhere?" You ask quietly, looking up and through the windows of the still idle train.

"Not really, it goes through tunnels. It's always dark in those." Ghostbur says sadly, and you huff, eyes fixed on the floor again.

"Who else is in here?" You ponder, and Ghostbur takes a second to think.

"I've seen Schlatt and a guy named Mexican Dream." Ghostbur murmurs, and you laugh at the last name.

"Mexican Dream?" You chuckle, and Ghostbur smiles with a nod.

"He's a bit odd, but nice enough." Ghostbur tells you and you smile, leaning back in the soft seat.

"This isn't a bad place to spend eternity." You comment, looking around the relatively clean - if a little dark - train.

"I'm glad I get to spend it with you, Y/N." Ghostbur whispers.

Your heart goes all warm and fuzzy at his words and you lean your head on the taller males shoulder.

"I love you."

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