c!TommyInnit - Guard down

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Y/N - Your Name

(c!Tommy my beloved
Not my best work but I think it's quite sweet 🥰)


After Wilbur, after L'manburg, after the exile, after everything he'd been through, Tommy had decided to construct a wall around his heart. He'd lost so much that he told himself wouldn't let anyone come close ever again.

But that was until you came along.

You. Sweet, persistent you. You, who tried as hard as you could to tear down his walls.

You, who succeeded.

Tommy is sat by a river in the woods...

"Hello there, stranger." You greet softly. Tommy's ears prick up and he quickly glances over his shoulder.

"Hi, Y/N." He replies, staring back down into the flowing water of the river.

"You feeling ok?" You ask, and he scoffs lightly.

"What do you think?" He quips. You furrow your brows and press your lips together for a moment, before sighing and sitting down beside him.

"Fuck off." He snarls, but even though he's glaring at you, he has a fond shine in his blue eyes that he can't hide.

"Maybe later." You shoot back, and you catch the smirk that makes its way on to Tommy's face, even as he turns away. "It's ok, Tommy. I'm not gonna hurt you." You tell him, nudging his shoulder with yours.

Tommy swallows thickly. His eyes flick back up to yours once before they well up with tears. "Oh, oh Tommy. I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry-"

"It's fine." He cuts in.

Your eyes widen for a moment before your gentle smile returns to your face. "What've you been up to?" You ask.

Tommy starts telling you about recent events in his life, about how he's taking care of Friend, the sheep and how he's been getting to be closer friends with Tubbo's husband, Ranboo. And all the while, you can't help but admire how far he's come. 

In your first few weeks of knowing Tommy, he'd barely said a word - that is, except many attempts to scare you off.

Tommy finished his news relaying, and you hum. "Sounds like you've been having fun." You comment, your eyes shining.

"Yeah, it's been alright." He huffs, a light pink hue rising on his cheeks as he reaches over and starts playing with the green fabric of the piece of Tubbo's old shirt that he has tied around his belt.

"Have any plans for today?" You ask, and Tommy shrugs.

"Nothing I can think of." He tells you and you take the opportunity. You slowly get to your feet and extend your hand to help the blond boy up.

"How bout we skim some stones," you suggest, "and then you can help me with my baking?"

Tommy thinks about if for a second, he nods and takes your hand.


"Tommy!" You squeal as he claps a cloud of flour on to you. He cackles with glee as he messes with you.

As you try and continue mixing the batter, Tommy keeps finding ways to sabotage your progress.

Although it annoys you at first, it all melts away when you realise he's becoming himself again. This is the Tommy everyone knows and loves.

So you deal with it.

And when you're done, with the cakes baking and time to kill, you both sit in front of the fire.

Tommy wraps his arms around your neck and curls up in your lap, almost in a childlike way. But when you have to get up to get the cake out to cool it, Tommy refuses to let go. So you're stuck having to transfer Tommy to your back and carry him over so you can do what you need to.

Once all is done, Tommy finally gets to sit with you again, this time with a book he found in your kitchen.

So as you braid his hair, and he reads, you can finally be sure that his guard is well and truly down.

And you're glad to have your Tommy back.

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