Orange to red to white

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Stellae's POV*

58 days till the Arcana Duwelo.

I walk into the dining room with my custom suit on ready for breakfast. Everyone looked in my direction, with widened eyes. The men were checking me out as i walked past them. I put a smile on my face. I strut to the end of the table where Pace, Dabito and Libertá were sitting. I take the empty seat next to Dabito. Pace was facing Dabito and Libertá was at the very top of the table. Dabito looks away from Pace to me. Pace and Libertá also look to me with seductive grins on their faces. Dabito looks at me up and down. I shyly smile at them as my confident grin from minutes earlier disappeared.

'Quite the entrance Cariño~' he says. He keeps looking at me up and down. I chuckle. I take a glass of orange juice, that was in a fancy wine glass, from the table.

'Gotta make a dramatic entrance Dabito, where's the fun otherwise?' I tilt my head at him. Everyone around us laugh. Dabito grins.

'I like a dramatic woman' He says raising a glass of red liquid that looked like wine.

'Mhm have to agree with Dabito there princess!' Pace says winking at me before diving into his lasagne.

'How can you eat that so early in the morning?' The boy I met yesterday asks.

'How can you not?' Pace snaps back. I burst out laughing.

'Hes got you there Libertá' I raise my glass to him. But as I raised the glass the once orange juice in the glass turned to red wine. I take a sip. Everyone at the table stares wide eyed at me. Yet again.

'Impressive' a familiar voice said. I turned to face across the other side of the table next to Pace. Nova. He didn't show much emotion but I knew it was better not to ask. Not yet anyway. You could see his features so much better in the sunlight. His slic navy hair, you could see every strand. His blue eyes, you could see the deepest ocean in them. His suit was just as perfect as last night. Yet the moonlight gave him a mysterious side.

'Thank you' I smile. I raise the glass and this time it turns to white wine. Gasps were heard all down the table. 'Always preferred white wine' I say before downing the whole glass, grabbing an apple and walking to the training arena ready to kick some ass. I hear tonnes of wolf whistles as I head out of the dining room. I grin from ear to ear.

Amazing first morning so far, right?


438 words

Sorry if you think it's really short and bad.....but I hope you liked it none the less...!

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