Team 6: Bridge To the Future

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Kite was surprised by Gingka's reaction. "Of course, Koma Village was where you grew up and learned to Beyblade after all." He started shaking. "All that brutal training and effort was actually worth it!"

"Good thing coach was there too, otherwise you would've fallen into the Volcano Ruins," Zero laughed.

Gignka had more questions, while Kenny let the others know what it was about.

"Gingka, if memories serve me right, the beyblades used in your dimension were made from a meteorite, correct?"

The other bladers and coaches were in full attention, ready to listen.

"Right. Many years ago, a large meteor called the Star Fragment and several other meteorites crashed and landed on Earth. They created two of my Pegasus beys, L-Drago, and several others beyblades."

Kenny and Tyson exchanged glances. "Like our bit-beasts? They were sealed in different monuments, rocks and objects around the world."

"Maybe the Bit-Beasts that Team Psykick had from that ancient rock were similar?"

Kyoya groaned. "It's a long story, so just skip to the good stuff."

"Hold on, it's important! People back then crafted the beys into functions. L-Drago was used for wars and evil, and my ancestors used Pegasus to fight back against L-Drago. Meanwhile, an ancient power known as Nemesis had the same power from the Star Fragment, and wanted to use it's powers to take over the world. But Pegasus and L-Drago's users joined eight other bladers that were strong enough to be considered legendary and they were able to seal it away for a few years."

Zero and Shinobu listened on carefully while Kite scoffed.

"And while we were babies, you all finally figured out how to defeat that monster. Though this thing was sealed for years, and no one figured out what to do until then?" He pointed at Gan Gan Galaxy. "Gingka, Kyoya, you should've recruited me, I would've found a way to save the world in a heartbeat!"

While Kyoya called him an ungrateful brat, Gingka was more accepting. "If you were older back then, you and Yuki could've figured out what to do pretty easily."

"Thank you Gingka, at least someone here values my talents," Kite flaunted while he set his sights on Kenny and Max, slightly frightening the latter as he leaned down to his height.

"You on the other hand, that shows true potential," acknowledging the Chief. "Show these meatheads that we mean business."

Kenny gulped. "R-right."

Max interrupted him. "So what's your Bey?"

Kite dramatically unveiled his bey. "The ultimate defense, the true water elemental bey, Guardian Leviathan!"

Max's grin widened. "Then you're a perfect match for my Draciel," flicked it out and showed his partner off in front of Kite and Leviathan. "Let's see if you can beat my Defense."

"Looking forward to crushing you."

Kenny nodded. "This could be a battle between two ruthless strategists!"

Tsubasa facepalmed to Yu's surprise. "Well he certainly has potential."

Kai suddenly emerged next to them, startling the young kid nearby, sensing a strong power approaching.

Out of the entrance of the contestants, the fourth member of Team Bridge to the Future arrived. The sight of the large dragon spirit had Kyoya gripping his team, as the crew from Metal Bey City all wondered if they were thinking of the same person.

"But he died...or did he?"

"It's the Next Dragon Emperor!"

The person walked out with wavy ginger spiked hair down to their right eye, wearing a long jacket with a dragon logo on the back, white and yellow highlights that covered a white shirt and embezzled with diamonds in front while having a black shirt and pants with a golden lightning striking down and a large dragon for a belt buckle.

Beyblade: Metal Burst All-Stars Royale!! Interdimensional Crossover Tournament!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz