Round 3: Aquatic Wit! Devilish Upset!

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Draciel fell into the center as Diabolos and Fafnir targeted it immediately.

"Can Max's defensive Beyblade maintain the center?"

"We can! Heavy Viper Wall!"

As he punched the air, Draciel charged a spiral burst of water repelling and deflecting Delta and Fumiy's Beyblades. The two of them struggled to fight back against the waves.

"Smash back Abyss Diabolos!"

"Fafnir, escape!"

Both of them tried in their own ways only for the shadow of the frog themed Beyblade to fly down.

"Hopper Crash!"

Einstein Hopper flipped down and slammed at Diabolos head on.

Delta grunted. "Diabolos, shake him off!"

"Don't let him get Hopper! Sink him and his into the Abyss!"

Everytime Diabolos attempted to break free, Kenny's control of his blade would steer Diabolos near the same position, never letting him get an inch while Viper Wall attacked the other beys barring his own.

"Mama Mia, Hopper has trapped Diabolos straight in his path!"

"Go Kenny," Hillary yelled. "Wait, Ray, Tyson, will this be enough?"

"Not necessarily. Tyson, you saw it too, right?"

"Oh, you mean that Delta's guys strategy? Kenny's trying to shut it down so he can't use it!"

Daichi cocked his head. "What are you all talking about?"

"Remember in the second round, when Delta's beyblade split between its main version nd the small tip from before?"

"Oh yeah, that Dual, um Ghost thingy!"
"Phantom," Tyson corrected. "It can't work if Delta's blade isn't hit by a force causing it to split, or is kept away from the walls."

"Wait, so he's going for what we did against Tala, stall him out and wait until a counter attack! But won't Max run out of stamina."

"Hold on, I think I got it," Hillary added. "Max used Heavy Viper Wall to keep the two trapped so that Kenny could wither one of them down!"

"And since he has the center, Flashy Boy has to waste his stamina to try and break free," Tyson added.

"Alright Kenny, don't take too long and beat him already," Daichi yelled.

"That's the plan, teammate," hearing them all cheer him on, which pushed him even as Delta activated his Resonance, slowly pushing Kenny back.

"I'm not backing down either!" He pushed back, trapping Diabolos for as long as he could. "Max, you alright?"

"Just peachy!" His energetic smile wowed fangirls as the sweat on his face was like an ocean breeze compared to the doubt and struggle on Fumiya's face. "Looks like you shouldn't have underestimated my teammate!"

"This isn't over yet!"

Drum, Amane, and Pot looked on with hesitation.

"Guys, hurry up and break free," Drum yelled.

"They look trapped. Unless the glasses guy runs out of stamina, they're kind of stuck."

Ichika grew worrisome at the way the battle was shifting. "Fumiya, please find a way out of it."

"Wait, there is a way!" Amane ran to the stadium. "Fumiya, blow them away!"

"I'm not Aiga," he yelled. "Wait," coming to a halt. "Wizard Fafnir, cast a spell on this wretched water!"

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