Team 9: The Five Spin Emperors - Supreme Five!

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"Zac? Where have you been? It's been ages, you didn't even compete in the World League."

"Ah Little Blaze, being an idol and going on tour with Akira as well as a Blader is such a hard task to manage."

"Yet you still made it to S-Tier," Shu noted. "I'm glad you could make it."

"As do I, Kurenai. Your battles in the World League sparked something surging in my soul. It's good to see how much you've grown."

"You as well."

Ming-Ming suddenly approached him, not too keen.

"For an idol, I expected someone that wasn't all spark and no substance."

"Miss Ming-Ming, such harsh praise. My darling fans, do you agree?"

A majority of the women in the crowd and even some of the guys roared in positive respect for Zac.

"Oh, you have a home crowd, that's no fair!" She pouted before snapping her fingers with an idea. "Then, how about I give this crowd a taste of my own skills? You all in?"

To Team Super Heroines and Hillary's dismay, but to Kenny's enthusiasm, most of the crowd agreed. Ming-Ming began her song. While Daichi was more accepting of it, Zac butted in with his own lyrics. While he was mostly adding on, Ming-Ming tried to fight him for control over the music.

Around that time, Hikaru was looking on at their passionate battle when Xhaka took her by surprise.

"Not excited to be here? Or that music is not flowing with you?"

"It's nothing. Just glad to see they're passionate about music and blading."

"Reminds me of a foe Shu battled." He called Shu over. "That Orochi kid still blading?"

"I'll have to ask Zac, I'm sure he's doing well."

"No need," Hikaru claimed, not wanting to be a bother. "I battled a blader that combined his dancing career with his blading. It was pretty interesting. Though those two feel like they're on a higher level."

Ray ended up joining them. "Ming-Ming and some of the others were recruited since they had a passion for Beyblade, but were used by the person who brought them in to exploit them for the fame they wanted. Take him out of the equation, and you got a group of powerful bladers that can go toe to toe with World Champions. We almost lost to them too and they fought just as hard at us."

Zac quickly spun over to them while letting Ming-Ming get the chance in the spotlight.

"But the point is you all fought with passion," posing to them. "Not everyone can handle the stage, but those who can must always give a good show."

Then his attention went to Hikaru. "Oh, right, some of you aren't from here. Would you like one of my CD's, they'll sure to bring some sun," winking, "shine to your day."

Hikaru was equally unsure of what to say, embarrassed, and flustered. "I'm flattered, but um, you sure?"

"I could use some for training back with Sword Flames and SB Rios," Xhaka interrupted.

'By all means," pulling out several more copies for him, as well as Ray despite the latter not asking. Ray could only awkwardly thank him before turning his sights back on Hikaru.

"In that case," pulling out a rose flower, "take this," resting it in between her ears and hair.

"Looks nice, huh?"

"I-I suppose."

"Music can soothe the savage beast, or in this case, a bold beauty. Don't let that beautiful flower you've been watering get drowned by the waves," with a smile, as he took her hand and gave it a light kiss.

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