Round 4: BC Sol Superstars vs Team Martial Artists - Final Bouts

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As Aguma began charging up his Great Ring of Destruction, his expression towards Kit's words didn't change, calling his bluff.

"Unfazed, huh? Let's change that up!"

He raised his Resonance, glowing light blue alongside his Beyblade, and what seemed like an average Knight Flyer resulted in Valt getting up as it started spinning and flipping.

"That's like the move he did against me!"

Kit nodded, swinging his hand down.

"Let's go, Wind Knight, Knight Flyer! Calvary Drop!"

Wind Knight accelerated and dived down so fast Aguma could barely react as it was a second from approaching into Scythe Kronos.

"Now, Great Ring of Destruction!"

Wind Knight slammed into the Uranus Legendary Blade, fighting back against the rising purple burst of energy, actually stunning most of the bladers present as his attack began nullifying the dark purple light, as the strong force never rose up.

"Is that all you got," Kit taunted. "This fight is ours!"

Aguma lifted the weight of his opponent's attack on his partner.

"Scythe Kronos, give it all you have! We will not disrespect Beylin Fist's legacy!"

His Beyblade erupted with more power than usual, slowly covering Wind Knight in attempts to push it off.

"Wind Knight," summoning the silver-yellow-blue Avatar, unleashing their twin blades and six wings.

"Scythe Kronos," summoning the Shinigami, Death itself, bringing out their scythe.

Both of them punched the air in front of each other. "Go!"

Their Avatar's swallowed the air field and purple colosseum into their weapons, striking each other at the same time, creating a blue-purple storm that enveloped them all, forcing Kit to slowly fight to keep standing, while Aguma ripped the loudest passionate cry he could.

A huge explosion covered the arena.

When the dust cleared, Kit was huffing, seeing his Beyblade barely spinning on top of Aguma's, which stood completely still.

Aguma's body was immobile, with no pupils in his eyes, standing proud and strong.

And Kit's Beyblade burst just after Kronos fell down.

"The score is tied two to two, Kit Lopez and Wind Knight are the winners!"

Dashan and Houi immediately rushed to Aguma's aid, who had to snap out of it, while Kit shook off the shock of what just happened, accepting the fact that he won with more concern for his opponent.

"Is he okay," joining them, blowing off air.

Baihu tried something a bit unconventional: pinching him back to his senses.

"What - I lost, didn't I?"

"It was a close match. You've made the name of Beylin proud."

"Let's get you something to drink," Houi said, granting Aguma some reprieve.

"Make it good enough," turning back to Kit. "Not bad, kid. We'll settle this in the rematch."

"You're on, big guy," picking up his Beyblade. "That was close," going back to the bench and laying down to rest. "I barely pulled it off," earning hugs from Cuza and Sasha.

Free nodded while Sisco patted him on the back.

"You knew this would happen?"

"No," leering at Kris, "but I thought it could," to which she approved.

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