Team 11: Transcendent Turbo!

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The first to arrive tightened his red jacket, white collar, and blue striped vest, his white shirt with the Beigoma symbol, blue pants, and red-yellow-white shoes, A tattoo, bandage strips on his face, and dark red hair, his appearance was already unique enough to the others.

    "I've been looking forward to this. Time to blow you all away!"

    Daichi scowled to Hillary's concern. "What's wrong?"

    "Something about him bugs me the wrong way."

    Carl flew around, and Aiga caught him. Cuz was worried until Aiga took out some pet food and fed him.

    "I knew someone from BC Sol had a pet bird or something. Good thing I came prepared."

    Aiga then approached Beigoma, BC Sol, and the Supreme Five.

    "Valt, you made it after all. Thought you were dealing with some kings or something." Valt admitted it was a long story. "Either way, we haven't had the chance to settle the score, I'll blow you away and take back the champion title," giving him a fist bump.

    He had similar interactions with the others, wanting a more fun rematch between Free and Sisco, thanking Shu for watching over him and getting over his grudge with Lain, wanting more revenge for the battle at the Tag League against Lui, and wrestling with Xhaka, who was impressed with the fact he became champion. Phi being on the team made him jump.

    "You're not exactly a team player."

    "Now Akaba, I expected your opinion of me to have improved somewhat."

    "Well you've changed a little. Where's Hearts?"

    "Busy. Him and Evel aren't on the best of terms, and Dead Hades is in need of repair. For now, he's overseeing Dead Gran."

    "Got it," paying sight to the other teams. "So these are the bladers from other worlds? Awesome. Achilles and I are the number one strongest team in the world. Good luck beating us!"

    "Hey," Daichi roared. "I'm the number one blader!"

    "Hold on, I'm number one in the world," Masamune butted in.

    The three butted heads at one another, with the other two taunting Aiga.

    "Didn't you lose the world champion title already?"

    "I've battled the strongest in the world and helped save the world. I'm even an honorary Legendary blader."

    Yu chimed in, holding Tsubasa's hand. "Aren't we honorary too?"

    "I've only been blading for three years, and I'm ranked third in the world!"

    Brooklyn blinked. "He was new to Beyblade, and he became champion that fast?"

Valt nodded. "He's like a prodigy. I went to his dad to help make my Cho-Z blade and he was inspired to be just as strong and take me on. It took him a while, but he found his own journey. The battles I've had with him are some of the most intense I've had since I started!"

Brooklyn smiled. "Impressive."

Hanami called for the next person to show up, who arrived with a huge flat top blonde hair, hazel eyes, bandages on his face, a tight yellow shirt and a long white jacket with flames on the ends, and orange-blue pants, with a lollipop. Ranjiro Kiyama, the King of Style, had arrived. Hanami went into detail about his backstory, which led Tyson to raise a finger to the siblings.

"Hold on dude, your parent is a detective, and you both dress like yakuza, and you're part of a gang...why?"

Ranjiro's temper flared, but calmed down. "That's in the past."

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