Battle of the Fafnirs: Free vs Fumiya

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Fumiya jittered. "It-it-it-its him."

"Free De La Hoya in the flesh," Ichika added.

"Yeah," the spiky blonde replied, about to confirm his entry and Beyblade.

"Wait," Ichika yelled. "Could you fight Free with Geist Fafnir?"

That left the announcer confused, checking to see if it was possible in the rulebook, and those not sure about either one asking about her and Fumiya's intentions.

Valt chimed in. "It's a personal thing. Let's just say some bladers are inspired by others."

Hikaru finally saw why. "Wasn't Geist the bey Free had when Aiga started?"

"And I started training Delta, and that was before him and Drum went out on their own. Right, he was the one at the Bey Carnival with the Fafnir blade."

Hyuga scratched his head. "So he copied Fafnir?"

"No dummy," his brother replied. "He must've made his Fafnir based on him. So why didn't he upgrade it?"

Ichika answered for Fumiya, but he got his nerves back and cut her off. "Wizard Fafnir and I have wanted to fight you and Geist Fafnir for years. Please, let me fight the Free who made me the blader I am today!"

Free pondered the thought, and took out a rebuilt Geist Fafnir.

"Alright, fine."


Lane scoffed. "He's really going to fight with a weaker system?"

Benkei offered his new protege a burger. "Nonsense. Back in my days, I've fought against world champions level bladers with stronger blades and came up on top."

Yu laughed. "Ben-Ben, what are you talking about?"

Masamune disagreed. "Take him down, bird head!"

Lui yawned. "This should be amusing."

Fumiya prepared himself, tightening his glasses and goggles, holding his beyblade in striking pose while Free lined up his launcher.

Both teams' hands could not stand still, waiting to see what would happen. And yet Amane remembered one of the training sessions.

"I studied Free for most of my blading career! The only way I can win is to beat him at his strongest," using weights, watching Free's matches, and practicing procedures and launches. "As my rival, you're going to help me."

"I have my own training to work on."

"You had your chance when you beat Arthur. Now it's my turn for the spotlight. After all, if you didn't perform, I would have to take your place. So as the next in line, you owe me."

As much as Amane hated his logic, Tango and Drum encouraged it.

"Sounds nice if all of you are stronger by the time of the tournaments."

"Uncle's right," offering Fumiya to try out using a table and vase to practice his shooting skill. "We're gonna help you best Free."

Amane yelled. "Fumiya, don't make us look bad out there!"

"Watch me!"

The countdown began. Fumiya changed his pose with each number while Free channeled his focus.

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