Chapter 36

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"I still can't believe she invited me." I say as I press the glass of champagne to my lips. Darson shrugs.

"It'll look bad if I come and you don't." That makes sense. Elena Moretz doesn't like me. I'm not going to put it any simpler. The last time we met, it wasn't nice. I'm not fond of her either.

Why she would invite me to her birthday party is beyond me. Why is she even in the US? Couldn't she have her party back in Australia? She can't stop eyeing Darson and it makes me uncomfortable knowing their history.

"I'll go greet her." Darson tells me before heading off. I try not to look in their direction. Okay, I should have tried harder because now my eyes are on them as they do the kiss thing on both cheeks. I divert my eyes for a split second. Darson says something that looks like happy birthday and she hugs him tightly.

Look at the decorations, Khara. They're pretty. Elena really did spend her money. The place is gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. Everyone is dressed expensively. I miss simple events where everyone sits on a worn out couch and drink booze while wrapped in an intense game of truth or dare.

Wait, why are they still hugging? Elena is whispering something in Darson's ear and every now and then he nods.

I pull my gaze away from them and take a sip of champagne. I trust Darson. I know they have some kind of thing going on for them but that is no more now right? I have nothing to worry about. Darson and I weren't on good terms back then but now we're in a relationship. Things are good for us.

A tap on my shoulder draws me away from my thinking. Darson is grinning at me. "Why are you all tense? What are you fussing about?"

I glance at him. "Just work stuff." I lie. Darson pulls me into him. His hands wrap around me and his chin finds its place on my right shoulder.

"Forget about work. Think about me." I am thinking about you. We sway from left to right and my smile emerges. I cannot emphasize on how much I love being in his arms. "Think about what I want to do to you when seeing you in this dress." I try prying his hands off.

"People are looking." He doesn't budge.

"Let them. Our relationship is no secret."

"Elena is watching." He pauses and pulls away a little.

"What does that have to do with anything?" There's an edge to his voice. A defensive tone that I didn't see coming.

I turn to look at him. "We're taking away the spotlight and it's her birthday." He snorts, a smirk playing on his face. I'm serious though. Elena looks pissed. She is talking to an older guy but her eyes keep flickering over to us. If looks can kill.

Darson pulls me into him again but this time we're facing each other. His hands around my waist make me feel hot all over. I can barely think straight. "Let's ditch and go somewhere."

I hit him playfully on the chest. "We can't just ditch. We just got here." He pouts. I give him a chase kiss and immediately bolt. I don't get far as I am being pulled back into his arms. A giggle escapes my lips.

"Darson, people are going to look at us."

"You started it." He defends. "One and I'll behave." He promises but I narrow my eyes at him unsure if he'll keep his word. "One." He's so damn cute when he needs to be. How can someone not fall for him after witnessing this side? I'm hopelessly falling.

"Fine. One. And behave." He nods and draws closer. I put a hand on his chest to stop him so I can glance around us. Thank goodness for the dim lighting in the back of the room. Apparently everyone wants to be in the limelight and are mostly gathered toward the middle of the room. Everyone is doing their own thing too.

I Hate You But I Love You MoreOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara