Chapter 15

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I don't even know why I agreed to go on this. Keina planned it and honestly it wasn't such a bad idea until she included Darson. He'll just annoy me all day. If not by his mouth then by his presence.

"Why the long face? It'll be fun." Keina pokes me in the side and I give her a tight lipped smile before briefly glaring at Darson while I shove the sunglasses into my eyes. Keina, Darson and I are all huddle up in Darson's personal car. Dean is driving us. I have no idea where she's planning on taking us.

"Bet." I respond. I look at Dean who just so happens to glance at me in the rearview mirror. I haven't seen Dean for a while. How is he spending his holidays? Well, sort of holiday. Dean gives me a little smile and I return it. Keina nudges me. What? She looks at Dean then at me. I roll my eyes.

It is about fifteen minutes later that we arrive at said place. It is huge. We all make our way out of the car. Gia, Adam and Hanna wave at us from the entrance. I take a quick look at my high waisted jeans shorts and pink crop top that shows just a slither of my stomach. My eyes then fall on the black sneakers in my feet. Keina said to dress sporty casual. Darson is sporting black basketball shorts and a custom made black Meldeev t-shirt.

"So we're all here." Keina claps. "This is a sporting arena. There's all sorts of sporting events here so whatever we choose is at our discretion. Darson was kind enough to rent out the entire place for us actually."

"You've got to be kidding me." I say under my breath.

"When I brought up the idea, he insisted that he pay." Keina explains. "So thank you for that." Darson nods.

"Money can probably buy friends but it can't buy love." I mumble and Darson turns to me, his head dipping lower to my ear.

"Maybe so but it can buy marriages." He snorts before standing straighter. He never fails to amaze me and not in the good way. I throw him a smile before shifting a few feet away from him.

Dean pries open the car door. "I hope everyone enjoy themselves today." He nods before proceeding.

"Dean? You're not coming?" I ask and he pauses to look at me. Everyone's attention is now on him. Why don't he come hang out? Darson dragged him all the way here. The least we can do is make it enjoyable for him.

"I have some errands I need to run."

"Errands in Australia?" I arch an eyebrow at him. It's his first time here plus it's a business trip. Did Darson send the poor guy out to do his bidding?

Darson stops typing and lowers his phone to look at me. I can practically feel his scolding even through the sunglasses covering his eyes. "Nosey." I roll my eyes.

"Mrs. Meldeev-" Dean begins.

"It's our last day here. You're off the clock. Join if you may." Darson sighs before making his way to the entrance. The others follow.

"So?" I question, my attention fixed on Dean. He smiles before closing the car door. Awesome.


"This skirt is awfully short." Keina comments and we all pass a look at Hannah who already has her hands up in defense. She was supposed to pick the outfits for the girls.

"Guys, come on. It's tennis. The skirt is supposed to be short." Right. I tug down on the white skirt with a pink band around the end. It is a little pass mid-thigh. At least the t-shirt is better. Mine has a pink band around the arm and neckline. Keina has a blue to my outfit. Gia a green and Hanna a purple.

"I think they're cute." Gia says with a little shrug before she stoops to tie her laces. Yes, I'll admit. They're kind of cute. I even have the white sneakers to match. We all take a few photos before exiting the dressing room. The guys are already waiting at the tennis court.

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