Chapter 29

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My jaws are on the floor. My eyes are dangling in the wind. How can something be this beautiful?

Darson didn't tell me where we were going so when we get there, I am completely speechless. I stare at the river that has overlapping cherry blossoms over it. There are so many pink cherry blossoms that I can't greet the sky. There are little lights on the grass that cast a yellow glow onto the river.

I slowly look over at Darson who is already watching me with a small smile. The look in his eyes hold pure intrigue.

One of the workers here comes up to Darson and they begin to discuss a few things.

I am still looking at the place in awe. I don't regret putting on a summer dress and sandals for work this morning. I took the risk and it paid off. Who knew Darson had a date in mind? Also, how in the world did he get my boss to agree on my departure. Wait. This is a date? Darson is taking me on a date?

He pops up in front me and I jolt. "Ready?" I nod. Two men in straw hats await us at the front on a huge canoe. Darson helps me get on and I shakily sit. I'm not sure how I feel about water transport. I'm a land girl. Darson takes the seat opposite of me. Our knees are pressed against each other.

The canoe starts moving. An instrumental starts playing in the background and I smile at the peacefulness it adds to the nature that is before me. I look up at the cherry blossoms shadowing over me with a smile.

Hands slide into mine and my eyes meet Darson's. "Are you enjoying the scenery?" He asks while rubbing the back of my hand.

"Are you kidding me? This is insanely beautiful." I gush.

"It reminds me of you. You're beautiful too." I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"I like your smile. It makes my heart beat faster." This makes me laugh. Darson is ridiculously honest about this. A lopsided grin forms on his lips. "What? You don't think I'm speaking the truth? You just laughed and I almost go into cardiac arrest." My grin is hurting my face. He takes my hand and plants it on the left side of his chest. The quick pounding in his chest makes my smile widen even further if that's even possible. "This makes me the slightest bit embarrassed."

"Aww. Don't be." I rub his hands comfortingly. "It's cute."

"I'm not cute." He looks at me like that's the worst compliment ever.

"You are and I love it."

"This scares me. What is this nonsense you speak of?" He laughs and a smile etches its way on my face.

"Seriously. It's this side of you that lured me here. I still have beef with the other side of you." He pouts.

"I'm always a sweetheart though. Everyone thinks so." I pat his head.

"Yeah. Sure sure." Cherry blossom petals float about the water and I have the urge to scoop them all up. The petals are pink and the contrast against the river makes it even more beautiful.

Darson converses with me more than I thought he will. I guess I keep comparing him to back then when obviously this is another side of him. I want to so badly to get to know that side of him. The part of him that smiles like the world is in a good place. The part of him that talks about his life with such fondness. He can make a joke and take a joke.

Darson and I talk about everything and anything. He talks about him crying everyday when his parents dropped him off to pre-school when he was younger. Him playing the role of Peter Pan in elementary school but making the play better because he keeps forgetting his lines and cracking random knock knock jokes instead. He also topped his class in all stages of school. He once got caught making out with his girlfriend in his dorm room by the dorm room inspectors and once drunk called Subway fast food to get his train ticket to Hotel Transylvania refunded.

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