Chapter 34

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"How can I be of assistance?" Vision asked with worry, jumping into action.

"Well, the chicken is no longer a chicken and the lobsters just flew the coop so the steak is the last man standing." You started to explain the situation.

"It says here I can cut down the prep time with a meat tenderizer." Wanda read off the card.

"Excellent plan. Where's the tenderizer?" Vision looked around with confusion.

"I'm looking at him." Wanda handed him the tool to use.

"Hoo-hoo in there!" Mrs Hart opened the window with a smile.

"Hoo-hoo back to you!" You laughed, closing it right away. "Okay. Finish the meat, find the lobsters. I'll be right back." You walked out with Wanda on your trail.

"I hope you're hungry." Wanda smiled at the couple that Pietro had been stuck with.

"Starved, is more like it." Mr Hart grumbled and you shot your brother a worried look.

"My head is starting to feel woozy." Mrs Hart claimed before being cut off by a loud thud coming from Vision in the kitchen. You all spun around to look at where the sound came from as you sent Pietro a worried glare, signalling him to go help Vision with the food.

"Were either of you aware that married men are killing single men at an alarming rate?" Wanda asked out to distract them. You groaned in frustration at the whole evening.

"What are you going on about? And what's going on in there?" Mr Hart questioned as if he had authority while another thud was heard.

"Whoo-hoo! Ho-ho!" Wanda stumbled back for Mr Hart to catch her.

"Who could that be?" You asked upon hearing a knock at the door, rushing over to open it.

"Coming!" Wanda called as you both walked over.

"Oh, you didn't answer the back door. For your upside-down cake. Oh! Hi, I..."Agnes waved at your guests.

"Who was that?" Mr Hart questioned as you took the pineapple and shut the door quickly.

"A salesman!" Wanda claimed.

"Telegram!" You said at the same time. "A man selling telegrams." You corrected your mistake quickly, hoping they wouldn't notice.

"Wouldn't you know it. Good news is more expensive." Wanda said, adding onto what you said.

"I couldn't find the lobsters and did you want the meat tender or pulverized?" Vision appeared in the door from the kitchen with his questions.

"Oh, dear." Wanda sighed taking back her apron and pulling you back into the kitchen.

"Out" you ordered your brother and he immediately handed you back the apron and walked out without argument.

"Time to improvise." Wanda stated looking around the kitchen as you finished tying your apron on again.

"Wanda, do you remember when mama would get us to help make breakfast for supper?" You offered an idea.

"Perfect y/n!" She cheered giving you a quick hug before you both set off to work. You and Wanda worked to cook dinner together like you did with your mother when you were kids. Your sister set the table with her powers while your guests weren't looking.

"Now, when are we gonna eat?" Mr Hart snapped at the two men.

"Dinner is served." Wanda called out proudly and they all turned to see the meal set on the table.

"Ah! Breakfast for dinner? How very..." Mr Hart started.

"European." His wife corrected before he could say anything rude.

"Ooh! Let's have a toast! To my lovely and talented wife. And her siblings" Vision raised his glass.

"To our esteemed guests." Wanda added.

"Yes. Cin cin." Pietro clinked glasses with the others.

"Cheers." You said following and taking a drink.

"Well, please eat before it gets cold." Wanda said taking a seat at the table.

"Oh, Mrs. Hart, allow me." Vision pulled out her chair before taking his own seat.

"So, where did you two move from? What brought you here? How long have you been married? And why don't you have children yet?" Mrs Hart started to ask right away before digging into her dinner. Wanda laughed before thinking deeply and not knowing the answers.

"I think what my wife means to say is that we moved from..." Vision trailed in thought.

"Yes, we moved from..." Wanda thought.

"And we were married..." Vision trailed again.

"Yes, yes, we were married in..." Wanda though more but still couldn't think of anything. You and Pietro watched, not knowing the answers yourselves.

"Well? Moved from where? Married when?" Mr Hart pushed.

"Now, patience, Arthur. They're setting up their story. Let them tell it." Mrs Hart told him to calm down.

"Wanda?" You asked her gently.

"We... Our story..." Wanda tried again as you and Pietro looked to her with worried confusion.

"Yes, what exactly is your story?" Mr Hart asked again with sternness, getting impatient.

"Oh, just leave the poor kids alone." Mrs Hart waved it off.

"No, really, I mean, I think it's a perfectly simple question. Honestly. Why did you come here? Why? Damn it, why? Why did you..." Mr Hart was cut off as he started to choke on his food as you all turned to face him.

"Oh, Arthur, stop it. Stop it. Stop it." Mrs hart waved him off with a smile as Wanda focused on on him and he reached for his own throat as he couldn't breath.

"What's happening?" You leaned towards your brother.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." Mrs hart laughed.

"I don't know" Pietro replied. The man suddenly fell out of his chair, still gasping for breath. Vision looked to his wife with worry as she was staring him down.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it." Mrs hart was looking to Wanda as she spoke, a smile still on her face.

"Vision, help him." Wanda ordered sternly. Her husband stood and kneeled beside Mr Hart. Vision phased his hand into his bosses throat and pulled out the food that had gotten caught, allowing the man to breath again. He helped Mr Hart to his feet with Pietro as their boss coughed for air.

"Let me help you up. Give me your hand. All right, steady on, sir." Vision helped him back to stand as Wanda stood up too.

"Well, would you look at the time?" Mr Hart looked to his watch as if nothing had happened.

"Yes. We'd better be going." Mrs Hart agreed standing up as well and they both walked towards the door.

"Well... Are you both all right?" You questioned with honest worry for the couple.

Question of the day: what was your reaction to this scene?

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