Chapter 46

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"Tommy, Billy!" Wanda called through the house. "Have you seen the boys?" She asked as you sat on the couch reading.

"I think they came back inside through the kitchen, Pietro was outside with them" you told her casually.

"Thanks" she smiled back before entering the kitchen.

"Good morning y/n" Vision smiled to you as he moved towards the kitchen a few minutes later.

"Morning Vision" you waved back simply continuing to read your book. After another few moments you heard panicked voices from the kitchen and a dog bark. "Wait, now, hang on there a minute..." Vision started to argue in protest.

"Wait, no, no, no." Wanda started too and you rushed to the kitchen just in time to see Agnes holding a dog and the boys age to ten years old.

"Let's just hope this dog stays the same size." Agnes laughed.

"What happened?" You looked around in shock at what you had missed in your few minutes of peace and quiet.

"This looks like a bad time" Pietro commented as he reentered the house through the back door. He was about to leave again but Wanda stopped him.

"Stop right there" your sister warned sternly.


"Okay. Okay, I've got it. What I need is a 10,000-pound fallout shelter comprised of lead for photons, cadmium for neutrons, tantalum for seismic blasts, on wheels. And then, I would be able to safely re-enter Westview. Right?" Natasha started to draw out ideas on the white board as Clint and Jimmy returned with coffee for her and Darcy.

"Yes. Theoretically." Darcy agreed with a nod.

"I can work with theoretically." Natasha stated, turning back to the board.

"What'd I miss?" Clint asked as he handed them their drinks, Natasha reaching out blindly for hers.

"The twins aged up to ten." Darcy told him an update from the show.

"Holy Christmas. At this rate, they'll be empty nesters by dinner time." Jimmy commented.

"I know someone who'd be up for this challenge." Natasha thought, still staring intently at the board with notes scribbled across it.

"But I can't guarantee the Hex won't just mind-wipe you as you go in." Darcy gave another thought.

"Wait. What's a Hex?" Natasha questioned with confusion at the term.

"Oh, um, it's what I'm calling the anomaly because of its hexagonal shape. It's starting to catch on." Darcy told her proudly. "You really wanna go back in there? After everything she's put you through?" She asked next, tone getting slightly darker.

"Yeah. Yes, I do." Natasha nodded to confirm.

"Have we identified these minors yet? Or the newborns?" Jimmy pointed to the screen at Wandas children.

"Oh, Wanda's twins are hers. Everything might look fake in the TV, but everything in there is real." Natasha explained to the group.

"But Wanda manipulates people's perceptions, makes them hallucinate." Jimmy continued.

"Yeah, that's her whole bag. If all the sets and props and wardrobe were solid matter, that would mean she's wielding an insane amount of power."  Darcy added on.

"Far exceeding anything she's displayed in the past." Clint thought back on what he remembered.

"Uh, she could have taken out Thanos on her own if he hadn't initiated a blitz. I mean, nobody else came close." Natasha remembered back on the event.

"Well, I'd argue that Captain Marvel came close." Clint shrugged along.

"I know, but we are not talking about her. We are talking about Wanda. Darcy? What was that you were saying about props and sets and..." Natasha faced the wall of clues.

"Wardrobe?" Darcy finished.

"Where's the lab?" Natasha suddenly asked, turning back to the others intensely.

"What are we looking for?" Jimmy asked as they followed Natasha into the lab where her outfit From the 70s hung on a rack.

"That." Natasha stated.

"Oh, man, are we being mind-controlled to see that right now?" Darcy asked at the sight of the costume still intact.

"Jeepers creepers" Jimmy commented.

"Ooh, no. They're real, all right." Natasha looked at the scan of them to read the material. "Can I borrow this?" She grabbed Jimmy's gun off him swiftly, not giving him the chance to protest.

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Jimmy panicked as she held it to shoot the outfit.

"Whoa!" Darcy gasped as Natasha shot the outfit, proving that it was bulletproof like the outfit she wore entering the Hex.

"You had a bulletproof vest on when you went inside, didn't you?" Clint asked, walking closer to see the dented bullets that hit the ground.

"Those pants are 87% Kevlar. It's not an illusion. Wanda is rewriting reality." Natasha explained.

"Permanently?" Darcy asked with worry for the situation.

"If she can change things as they go into the Hex..."

"Ah, you called it the Hex" Darcy pointed out with pride.

"What happens if we send something in that requires no change?" Natasha suggested.


"Sit, Sparky, sit. Good dog." Billy gave him a treat as he followed instructions and you smiled while watching him teach the dog tricks. "Speak." Billy held a hand to the side of his head for a signal to show the dog what he wanted it to do. Sparky barked and Wanda who sat beside you was impressed like Tommy beside her. "Nice, Sparky. Now spin. Good boy!"

"Oh! Bravo, Billy!" Wanda cheered as she clapped with you and Tommy. "You weren't so bad either, Sparky."

"That was radical. Where's Dad? We gotta go show Dad!" Tommy jumped up suddenly with excitement.

"Oh, he's... He's at work." Wanda told them as they slowed their rushing to find Vision and faced her.

"Huh?" Tommy asked.

"It's Saturday." Billy added, you looking to her with just as much confusion as to why she was lying to them.

"No, it's not. It's Monday." Wanda told them, still thinking she was right.

"This morning was Saturday." Tommy reminded.

"I'm gonna go for a walk" you stood up, walking towards the door to give Wanda and her twins some space to talk.

Upon stepping outside you looked up at a buzzing noise only to see a large drone of some kind hovering over you. Sparky ran outside after you, barking at the drone until Wanda joined you with the twins right behind her.

"Sparky!" Billy and Tommy raced out after the dog.

"Wanda, what's going on?" You looked to your sister for answers but she only focused her glare at the drone, eyes glowing red.

Question of the day: did you like sparky?

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