Chapter 49

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"Wanda... Be good." Vision told her after placing a delicate kiss on her cheek. "I smell crime!" He jumped into a pose before running out the door. Wanda locked the door after him with a frown before turning to see Pietro had snuck up behind her and made a funny face to scare her. Wanda let out a loud scream in fear before scolding him about his actions like your mother would when you were kids.

"Don't do that!"

"Where's your water balloons?" Pietro turned serious all of a sudden.

"What? We don't have water balloons?" Wanda looked to him with confusion.

"Then where are we gonna put all this shaving cream?" He held up two cans of shaving cream.

"Oh." Wanda gasped at the realization.

"It was Billy's idea." Pietro pointed to Tommy who had stood beside him once again, leaving the game behind.

"I'm Tommy." He corrected.

"And don't you forget it!" Pietro yelled at him with encouragement.

"You don't even have a costume." You reminded the pair. Your brother scoffed at you taking Wandas side before he grabbed Tommy's hand only to speed out and speed back wearing matching costumes.

"Okay, but just remember that this is a respectable family. If I see any funny business, I am going to magic you into a pickled herring." Wanda threatened as Pietro looked suddenly disturbed at the idea.


"I wanna see a full workup inside the hour." Hayward ordered two men as they brought the missile inside, still glowing red with particles of Wandas magic.

"Yes, sir!"

"Hayward. Hayward! You cut us off at the knees, sending in that missile." Natasha grew mad as she chased him through the halls furiously.

"Now we know who we're dealing with." Hayward stated simply with a shrug.

"Hey, there he is. The guy who almost got murdered by his own murder squad." Darcy commented as Clint gave her a fist bump at the comment.

"You work for me?" Hayward paused his movements into the main room to face her with confusion.

"I actually don't know." Darcy claimed.

"She's with me." Natasha stood up.

"I see. And which one of you is the sassy best friend?" Hayward commented back, not wanting to deal with them.

"There's no time for you to diminish your colleagues when you're about to start a war you can't win." Jimmy spoke out, getting everyone back on track.

"Maximoff was never gonna negotiate with us. We take her out, this whole nightmare ends." Hayward pointed to the screens showing the WandaVision show.

"We don't know that. We actually have no idea what will happen in there, nor out here if Wanda dies." Clint started off with the facts about what they all knew about the anomaly.

"So, what? We just surrender to that?! Not happening!" Hayward snapped.

"We can't outgun her. And clearly antagonizing her is only making things worse. If Wanda is the problem, she has to be our solution." Clint continued.

"Agent, Romanoff, Barton, you have become an impediment to this mission." Hayward started as Natasha sighed in frustration towards him. "Get her off my base. Now. All of 'em." Hayward ordered out to his agents.

"All right. Come on, let's go." A soldier escorted the group out.

"Hayward is way overstepping his provisional authority." Jimmy explained the legal situation to the group.

"He was looking for a reason to sideline us. He's up to something." Natasha noted as her spy skills gave her a warning of suspicion towards Hayward.

"Let's go! Everybody in!" The soldier ordered them into a truck before Clint hauled off and punched one of them. Jimmy pushed another one back into the truck as Natasha did her famous trick of twisting herself around two soldiers and flipping them to the ground.

"Why didn't anyone tell me the plan?" Darcy gasped in shock at what she had just witnessed.

"You okay?" Jimmy asked them all.

"Yeah. Let's move." Clint started them off this time in a rush. The trio who had fought back stole ponchos and hats to disguise themselves after hiding the body's in the truck.


"This is it. Game time." Tommy stated as you and your siblings walked behind the twins through the busy street of kids searching for Halloween candy.

"It's not a competition, Tommy." Billy told him gently.

"It is if you're a winner." Tommy ran off leaving Billy to chase him.

"Tommy!" Billy followed after his brother in a rush but not quite fast enough to catch up.

"Unleash hell, demon spawn!" Pietro shouts after them as you laugh lightly.

"Is everything alright Wanda?" You questioned your sister, away from her twins.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" She countered with furrowed eyebrows as to why you would ask such a thing.

"It's just that I've noticed things seem to be a bit odd lately" you shrugged, but were cut off from your conversation as the boys returned.

"Next house, Mom." Billy laughed as he joined you all again in the middle of the street.

"Junior entrepreneur, over here. How about you let Uncle P help you maximize your candy acquisition, huh?" Pietro offered.

"Yeah. Kick-ass!" Tommy cheered.

"I feel the need..." Pietro started, holding his hand out to the kid.

"For speed!" Tommy finished with him. They all grabbed onto each other's hands and sped off to get candy.

"Kick-ass." Wanda thought over her sons words. "Oh, hey, Herb." Wanda noticed the man dressed as Frankenstein.

"Oh, hey!" He waved back as you joined him while he watched over the street.

"How's patrol going?" You asked politely with interest.

"Eh, quiet, so far. Hold up, will you?" He held up a finger as he listened to his radio in his earpiece. "Say again?" Herb asked the man in the radio. "All the candy has disappeared?"

"What? Who took my candy?" A woman asked out as you watched Pietro and the boys speed by you and Wanda to steal candy from a house. Wanda looked to you with wide eyes as you gave her the same expression.

"And now all the jack-o'-lanterns have been smashed?" Herb continued as you watched the boys continue. "And now everyone's covered in silly string?" Herb asked once more.

"Whoo!" Pietro called out while covering everyone in silly string.

"Sorry, Wanda, I gotta bounce." Herb apologized.

"Well, maybe Vision can help you out."Wanda suggested hopeful.

"Vision? Oh, he's not on duty." Herb corrected.

"Oh! I... I thought he..." Wanda was at a loss for words.

"Is there something can do for you, Wanda? Do you want something changed?" Herb asked causing you to look at your sister with a weary look.

"No. It's fine. Never mind." Wanda waved, laughing it off.

"All right. Peace." Herb laugh walking off again.

"I'm gonna go gather the boys" you told your sister, walking off to find them. You closed your eyes and turned invisible, putting a shield around you until a thud hit the outside of it. "There you are" you turned back to reveal yourself as Pietro rubbed his head and the twins giggled.

"Hey! Not cool"

"Wanda is not impressed" you told him and he tensed up as the third triplet stood behind him.

Question of the day: what I'd your favourite candy?

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