Chapter 43

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"You're ready. You're ready. Push. Push, Wanda. Push!" Natalie prompted. "Push! That a girl!" Natalie said as Wanda shouted out some more. Everything in the house is spinning and flickering, but stopped as soon as a baby cry was heard. You held up Wandas baby and your nephew while Wandas breathing returned to normal. "It's a boy!" Natalie cheered while you handed him off to your sister.

"Hi. Hi." She smiled to the child. "Oh, he's perfect." Wanda looked to you happily.

"Mom would have loved him" you told her with pride.

"Oh, no. I missed it." Vision sighed as you all looked to see him Pietro and the doctor having just raced into the house.

"Hey, Doc, why don't you help me out in the kitchen there?" Natalie stood and walked off with the doctor.

"We went so fast, it was like we were flying." The doctor claimed as Pietro smirked proudly.


"You're doing great. You're doing great. Look at me. Look at me." Natasha prompted Wanda.

"The jig is up." Darcy cheered as they watched intently from her desk.

"It's time to start pushing. You ready?" You asked her on the tv.

"Oh!" Wanda gasped.

"Push, Wanda. Push!" You both cheered her on. After a few moments of screams and crying a baby was born.


"Well done, Wanda." Vision smiled as he walked towards her and knelt to her level.

"Well, don't you wanna meet your son as yourself?" She asked him, you standing beside Pietro who looked like he could cry at the sight of your sisters baby. Vision transformed back to his normal Android form and took his son into his arms.

"Ooh. You're strong." Wanda cooed to her child.

"Hello there, little Tommy." Vision looks at the boy.

"Tommy?" Wanda questioned with a gentle smile.

"Yes, Tommy." Vision spoke. Leaning down for a kiss he was cut short as Wanda screamed out again. Vision screamed back in surprise to the sudden outburst.  "What? Good heavens! There's another baby coming." Vision shouted in a panic, looking to you for help.

"Billy!" Wanda shouted and you rushed back to her side.

"Wanda, push! Push!" You urged once more. "Pietro get the Doctor!"

"On it!" He called back and moments later another baby cried out as it was brought into the world.


You all stood around the living room, Natalie sitting on the couch while the Doctor and Pietro each held one of the twins.

"Twenty fingers and twenty toes. You've got two healthy baby boys on your hands." The doctor reported, handing the baby back to Wanda.

"Thank you, Doctor." Wanda smiled.

"Yeah. All in a day's work." He claimed simply.

"And thank you for your assistance, young lady. I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse." He faced you and Natalie and gave you a nod as well.

"Allow me to walk you out, Doctor." Vision spoke as Pietro placed the baby in the crib and guided you away to carry in the last of the baby supplies you had bought earlier that day.

"Oh, all right. As long as we actually walk this time." The doctor gave in.

"Come." Vision spoke as they walked out.

"I do owe you a debt of gratitude." Wanda told Natalie after she stood from the couch to face her.

"You're such a strong lady." Natalie tells Wanda calmly.

"Oh." Wanda waved her hand, dismissing it.

"Can you believe it? Twins!" Natalie cheered, looking at the children as Wanda placed the other one in the crib as well.

"I'm a triplet." Wanda stated calmly.

"I had a brother. His name was Pietro. And a sister, y/n" she continued in deep thought. Wanda began to sing a Sokovian lullaby to her children, one that you heard so often as a child.

"They were killed by Thanos" Natalie stated back darkly.

"What did you say?" Wanda faced her harshly with confusion. "What did you say just now?" Wanda grew stern.

"I said, Wanda, you're such a strong lady. Should I say it one more time for good measure?" Natalie snapped back to her happy self.

"No. What did you say about Pietro and y/n?" Wanda turned around as Natalie sat back on the couch.

"Pietro? Y/n? Uh... Hey, I'll take a shift rocking the babies." Natalie stood again and walked over.

"No, I think you should leave." Wanda said.

"Oh, Wanda, don't be like that."

"What is that?" Wanda nodded to the necklace Natalie wore.


"That." She nodded towards it and Natalie lifted it to see a red hourglass engraved into the jewelry. "That symbol." Wanda stated.

"I, uh... I..."

"Who are you?" Wanda asked as the babies started to cry some more.

"I don't..."

"Who are you?" Wanda stepped closer.

"Wanda..." Natalie had backed up to the wall. "I... Wanda." She was trembling.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked after stepping up defensively.

"I don't..." Natasha stepped back with fear in her eyes.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked, slower this time.

"Wanda, I'm just your neighbor." Natasha tried to play it off with a calm smirk.

"Then how did you know about Thanos?" She asked as Natasha breathed heavily in fear.

"You're not my neighbor. And you're definitely not my friend. You are a stranger and an outsider. And right now, you are trespassing here. And I want you to leave." Wanda drew up two blasts of magic. Your sister defended her house by pushing her out of Westview and looking at her hands in shock before closing the hole in the wall.

The babies started to cry.

"Wanda" you gasped, looking to your brother with sudden worry. You both run into the living room, Vision rushing in at the same time.

"Wanda?" Vision had turned back to his android form upon entering in a rush.

"Where's Natalie?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, she left. She had to rush home." Wanda casually spoke. "Hmm." Wanda smiled to her twins.

Question of the day: what did you think of Natalie mentioning Thanos?

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