Chapter 15

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"Tony is missing" Natasha reported the news as you all sat around on your portable home, the Quinn jet.

"We have to get Wanda and Vision, something big is coming" Steve stated in a stern voice. Sam nodded along and flew the jet to Scotland where Vision had been living with your sister. Your brother however was not a fan of your sister dating the Android.

The jet landed in a quiet part of town that was empty for the most part.

"Y/n, go evaluate the situation with Steve, the rest of us will move in on your mark" Natasha directed the last part to the former hero of America. Steve lead you off into the train station where you both appeared behind a moving train while your sister stood opposite, red blazes of energy in her hands ready for a fight while her boyfriend laid injured behind her.

"They are already here" you warned the group, nodding to Steve as you rushed off to close them in from the side. The train passed by to reveal the shadowy figure of Steve Rogers. The female threat had thrown her staff at him immediately but he had swiftly caught it before stepping into the light, Wanda and vision looking back with grateful smiles.

Falcon flew in next, kicking the female back into a cafe in the train station. Your brother had sped past the male, knocking him down before you had moved in, punching him while he couldn't see you and ducking at his attempt to swing his staff at you. Steve threw the staff to Natasha as she ran in from behind, Pietro speeding you away as she caught it and stabbed the man with it. She rolls over and kicks him back until the woman reappears and forces the staff out of Natashas grip.

Steve jumped over, stealing the mans staff as it had dropped to the ground and intercepting the woman's attack on Natasha. He pushed her back but she flipped over to fight Natasha until Sam had kicked her back beside her teammate. Sam aimed his guns at her as you reappeared and your brother stood beside you, the other two Avengers who were on the run standing over them as well.

"Get up." She tells the man strictly.

"I can't." He tells her with a groan of pain.

"We don't wanna kill you. But we will." Natasha states simply.

"You'll never get the chance again." She growls back as a blue beam pulls them into a spaceship overhead. You all looked up in confusion before turning back to the couple who had been attacked.

"Can you stand?" Pietro asked, pulling Vision to his feet with Wandas help.

"Thank you, Captain." Vision nods to you all as Wanda and Pietro continue to help him to stand, supporting his weight.

"Let's get you on the jet." Steve nods back, leading the way.

"I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances." Natasha closed the door as she spoke to your sister who was seated beside her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry. We just wanted time." Wanda claimed.

"Where to, Cap?" Sam asked from the pilots seat, lifting off the ground.

"Home." Steve stated.


"I mean really Wanda? Out of all the men in the world you had to choose the purple robot?" Your brother teased your sister as you all entered the compound you had once lived in.

"Pietro, shut up" you scolded as Wanda glared at him.

"It is okay Wanda, I do not take offence" Vision told her as he noticed the glare she had sent her brother.

"Rhodes in here" Natasha pointed ahead to the office, cutting off your siblings argument.

"You have second thoughts?" Secretary Ross questioned Rhode via hologram while you walked in.

"Not anymore." Rhode looked over at you all as you entered the office together. Wanda and Pietro still helping Vision stand as you all came to a pause in the doorway.

"Mr. Secretary." Steve nodded coldly.

"You got some nerve. I'll give you that." Ross walked towards you with authority.

"You could use some of that right now." Natasha tells him with a slight smirk.

"The world's on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?" Ross moves in front of Steve with these words.

"I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight" Steve stated strongly to the Secretary of State. "And if you wanna stand in our way... we'll fight you, too." Steve steps closer to intimidate him.

"Arrest them." Ross turns to Rhode as he gives out the orders.

"All over it." Rhode nods, turning off the hologram. "That's a court-martial. It's great to see you, Cap." Rhode shakes his hand before moving to hug Nat while the rest of you stay where you were.

"You too, Rhodey." Steve tells him genuinely.

"Well, you guys really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years." Rhode commented, taking a look at your disguises and worn down looks.

"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam reminded with a chuckle. You thought back on the nights spent resting your head on your brothers shoulder as you slept on the Quinn jet, getting any sleep you possibly could.

"Uh, I think you look great." Bruce shows up from the back of the office where he seemed to be hiding. "Uh... heh... Yeah. I'm back." He chuckled lightly, nervously wringing his hands together.

"Hi, Bruce." Natasha looked to him.

"Nat." Bruce waved awkwardly.

"This is awkward." Sam whispers to the rest of you.

"No shit" Pietro commented back. You and Wanda only rolled your eyes at the duo who you had been stuck with over the past two years.

Question of the day: did you prefer infinity war or endgame?

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