Chapter 01

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"Triplets!" Your mother cried out as you were born. Your brother came first, 12 minutes before your sister who was born 24 minutes before you.

"What will we name them?" You father asked with a gentle kiss to your mother's head.

"I think Pietro for our son" she suggested. "Wanda and y/n" she finished.

"I love it" your father smiled down as he held you in his arms, rocking you gently as he hummed a tune.


"Irina?" Your father called from the other room. She rushed to help him as he brought out a case of movies.

"Hey." He kneeled before her. "Don't worry, I'll sell them all tomorrow, more for tv night!" He cheered in Sokovian, pulling her in for a hug and kiss.

"In English, Papa!" Pietro ran out to greet your father as he shouted loudly. "You said the only rule of TV night is we try to practice our English." He reminded your father of the rules.

"Yeah. Yes, he is right." Your mother smiled at her son and how well his own English had improved.  "We were just making rid of last little bit of Sokovian." She waved it off.

"Where are your sisters?" Your father asked him.

"Wanda!" Pietro called out. "Y/n!" He called next.

"Coming, quiet down" you joked at him as you and your sister joined the rest of the family.

"Now we can begin." You father said after pulling in his two daughters for a quick hug. "Wanda, you pick." He presented her with the box of choices.

"My pick isn't here." She claimed proudly.

"I have forgot. I put it in the special place for extra safekeeping." He told us all as he and Pietro stood up to go get it. Your mother had covered Wanda's eyes with her free hand, earning a giggle from your sister.

"Don't look." You mother warned with a smile.

"Good job. Hold this." Your father told your brother after he pulled back the carpet covering the hidden box in the wall. Muffled gunshots and screams were heard outside as you looked towards your mother sadly. She only waved it off and closed the blinds to prevent your curiosity from going any further.

"This is your pick, yes?" Your father showed the DVD box set of the Dick Van Dyke show.

"Season 2, Episode 21." Wanda picked.

"I love that one!" You cheered next to your older sister.

"Dick Van Dyke again? Always 'sitcom, sitcom, sitcom...'" Pietro throws his arm around you as he pulls you towards the tv.

"The Walnut episode!" Your father cheered while reading the title.

"Yes, Rob and Laura have for the most fun shenanigans." Your mother joined in.

"What is 'shenanigan' again?" Pietro asked as he sat beside you on the floor.

"Shenanigan is like problem, but more silly than scary, but can sometimes be a little scary." Wanda described as you listened intently while your father set up the show for you all.

"Yeah, like mischief." Your mother agreed.

"But a silly mischief that always becomes fine." You father sat beside your mother on the couch behind you, placing his arm over her shoulders.

"Okay, Papa start it for us." She told him as the show began in black and white on the tiny tv screen.

"The Dick Van Dyke Show, starring Dick Van Dyke." We all giggled as he fell on the screen. "And Mary Tyler Moore." Wanda looked back at your parents who blew her a kiss. Then she turned back and smiled at the show, giggling here and there.

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