Chapter 20

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You looked out as Rhode attacked next to be crushed in his own suit. Bucky and Okoye ran out, both being blasted aside like Steve had been. Next Natasha was tripped, pinned to the ground by trees and roots with the air being forced out of her lungs. Groot wrapped his arms around the titan but they were broken with one strong push. Looking back at your sister she watched with sorry eyes. You gave her a small nod before turning and running in with your brother. Pietro had been lifted off the ground, Thanos burning a hole in the side of his head. You stumbled back slightly in fear, knowing you had to protect the pair behind you. Running in you had turned invisible but were pushed back by a purple stone. You grumbled, getting back up quickly and phasing through him to get back in front of the pair, defending them until your last breath. Putting up a shield around your sister and her boyfriend you left yourself exposed to the danger of the man behind you.

"I'm sorry Wand" you apologized to her with tears in your eyes as the titan came up behind you, grabbing you by the neck and breaking your back with one punch. Your lifeless body dropped to the ground as your sister grew angry and sad at everything going on around her. She forced him back with her powers but he pressed forward with the stones.

"It's all right. It's all right. I love you." Vision promised as his last words before Wanda broke the stone. A wave of energy was pushed out, pushing them all back in shock.

"I understand, my child. Better than anyone." Thanos tells Wanda as she looked up at him with disgust, having fallen back at the force of energy.

"You could never..." she snarled.

"Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now... is no time at all." He turned back time with the time stone, putting Vision back together again with relative ease.

"NO!" Wanda cried as she lunged to stop him but he had thrown her back violently with a swift motion of his hand. He picked the Android up by the throat, plucking the stone from his head and dropping his now colour faded body to the ground just like he had done with you. The stone was placed in the gauntlet, completing the set of stones and giving thanos full power. Lightning strikes him down as an axe was launched into the Titans chest. Thor landed before him and pressed it in deeper with anger.

"I told you. You'd die for that!" Thor growled with anger, remembering his words from earlier.

"You should have... you..." Thanos started out weakly. "You should have gone for the head!" Thanos tells him before snapping his fingers, a white light casting out.

"No!" Thor protested, but it was too late. "What'd you do?" Thor gasped. "What did you do?" He demanded angrily for answers but the titan simply used the space stone to drop out through a portal as the axe fell to the ground below where he had once stood. Steve stumbled in to see nothing as you and Pietro followed him back to the scene.

"Pietro" you gasped, running over to hug him tightly as you had watched him die a moment before.

"I'm here" he promised, holding you tightly while looking around for your sister.

"Where'd he go? Thor... where'd he go?" Steve started looking around in confusion at what had just happened.

"Steve?" You turned to find Bucky stumbling to the ground and turning to dust in the process.

"Wanda" you gasped at the thought, looking to your brother before you both rushed around to find her. "Over here!" You called out to your brother and within a second he was at you side. The two of you watched as your sister was taken by the dust, not knowing that you two were still alive. Steve and the others gathered around Visions body, Pietro rolling it over onto his back gently. You stumbled back a bit in confusion and shock at what was going on.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhode asked with a panic, nobody answering his questions.

Question of the day: what do you think of y/n and Pietro surviving the snap?

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