Chapter 33

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"Guess who?" Wanda covered Mr Harts eyes seductively while you and your brother watched nervously.

"Wanda!" Vision scolded as he entered the room again and turned on the lights to see the scene ahead.

"Vision." Wanda nervously looked to her husband before realizing what was happening. "Oh! Oh!" She pulled back and covered herself more as the other couple looked at her strangely.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mr Hart demanded sternly.

"Well, what is... Yeah, what is the meaning of... Oh, the meaning of it! You want to know the meaning of it and the meaning of it" Vision started to stutter with nerves for getting fired from his job.

"is that this is the traditional Sokovian greeting of hospitality." Pietro claimed while walking out with you to save the situation.

"Guess who?" Vision asked as he covered Wandas eyes to show them.

"Is that my host behind me?" She gasped in fake surprise.

"It certainly is." Vision said as you all laughed except for the other couple who continued to stare blankly.

"Lovely to make your acquaintance." She shook his hand.

"Yes! See, I forgot to tell you my wife is from Europe." Vision swayed their hands together between each other.

"Wanda and y/n are my triplet sisters" Pietro added further explanation.

"Oh, how exotic!" Mrs Hart exclaimed with cheer.

"We don't break bread with Bolsheviks." Mr Hart stated.

"Oh, hush, Arthur! Have you no culture at all?" She scolded her husband before turning back to Wanda. "And that dress!"

"Yes! It's... It's so..." Vision looked his wife up and down with wide eyes.

"Sokovian, is what it is! Yes!" You stepped in this time before Vision made a mistake.

"Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart?" Wanda pulled Vision away to speak with him.

"Oh, yes!" He followed after her quickly, leaving you and your brother to entertain the guests. You looked over at your guests awkwardly as they stood in the empty space of the room.

"Have a seat" Pietro proposed to them, gesturing to the couch.

"Y/n, would you mind helping Wanda in the kitchen?" Vision asked, entering the living room again just before you sat down.

"Yes of course. If you'll excuse me" you made you way to the kitchen to find your sister.

"Do you need my help?" Mrs Hart asked, causing you to pause in the doorway. Turning back to face her you noticed Vision shaking his head 'no' from over her shoulder.

"No, it's a Sokovian sister thing we do where we cook supper together" you claimed with a smile before walking off. "What's the plan?" You started to prepare as you entered to find Wanda stressed out. A knock on the back door caught your attention and without saying anything you moved to open it.

"Oh, Agnes! You're a life-saver!" Wanda greeted as your neighbour walked in to rescue you all from a failed dinner.

"What kind of housewife would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place?" Agnes asked as she set down the full meal ingredients on the counter for you.

"Well..." Wanda trailed while helping her to set the supplies down.

"Not that Ralph ever wants to eat anything but baked beans which explains a lot about his personal appeal, mind you." Agnes joked before she dropped the large pot creating a clatter.

"Oh, my!" Agnes gasped, moving to pick it up.

"She's absolutely fine in there!" Pietro raised his voice to warn you all that Mrs Hart was getting suspicious.

"Oh, thank you, Agnes. I think I've got it covered from here." Wanda ushered her out with a panic of rush.

"Oh, are you sure, dear?"


"Many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip." Agnes told her with a wink.

"You're so naughty!" Wanda told her with a chuckle.

"Oh, shall I just pre-heat the oven then, dear?" Agnes moved towards the oven and away from the door.

"That won't be necessary." You urged her out this time.

"Oh, All right, then. Well, I know you're in a pinch so this menu can be done in a snap." Agnes started as you opened the door to send her out but she walked back to the counter. "Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced meat turnovers to start. Chicken à la King with twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course, and Steak Diane and mint jellies for your main. Do you set your own jellies, dear?" Agens asked while Wanda started to push her out once again.


"Good girl. Recipe cards are on the counter there. Bon appétit!" The neighbor waved on her way out. You shut the door behind her and ducked as a pot almost hit you in the head.

"A little warning next time" you scolded your sister.

"Sorry" she winced at the thought of hitting you with a pot. Things were flying around the kitchen and you suddenly looked to the window of the kitchen with shock as it flung open to the living room.

"Yeah, take out the papers and the trash Or you won't get no spending cash" Vision sang out, catching Mrs Harts attention again. You froze, staring out at your brother with a glare before rushing to shut the window again before anyone could see the chaos happening inside the kitchen. "If you don't scrub the kitchen floor You ain't gonna rock and roll no more Yakety yak! Don't talk back"

"Oh, no, too much!" Wanda gasped as the chicken caught fire while you turned back to help her. "Oh, no, not enough!" She gasped again as she tried to fix it but it turned into a basket of eggs. Pots started boiling over as you both scrambled around the kitchen in a panic. "Oh, what was I supposed to do next? Oh, what was the main course again?" Wanda asked herself while moving to search through the floating recipe cards.

"It was steak." you remind her. She starts flipping through the cards to find the recipe.

"Steak... Steak... Diane!" She cursed out.

"Yes?" Vision asked back awkwardly from the living room. You and Wanda gave each other questionable looks before shaking your heads and moving on.

"Oh, no." Wanda threw the lobster out of the window upon Vision entering the kitchen without warning.

"How can I be of assistance?" Vision asked with worry, jumping into action.

Question of the day: what were your thoughts on the first episode of WandaVision?

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