Chapter 22

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The sound ninja approaches. I prepare myself for a fight but a loud voice booms, "No fighting unless an instructor permits it!"

I look up to see a gruff man with scars crossing his face in various places. He's strong, proud, and something even I don't want to mess with. Well, at least sane me wouldn't mess with him.

We're each given a number and placed in a seat. I'm sitting between a small kid from the Grass Village and Gaara. I'm not too far away from Sasuke so if I need to, I could get to him quickly.

"Alright! This is a written test! There are ten questions. I'll give you the first nine and we'll do the last one together. If you're caught cheating three times, you and your team will be disqualified!"

I smirk. So that's what this is all about, hm? I zone out after that, not really caring about what he has to say anymore.

He hands out the tests and I begin my plan. The easy thing to do would be look at Gaara's paper and leave the hard stuff to him, but what fun would that be?

I look at my test to see if I could do this without cheating. Nope. This stuff would be hard for the Hogake, much more a genin.

I glance around a bit without bringing any attention to myself. Then I notice the kid next to me speeding through it. Is he some kind of super nerd? Wait. If they want us to cheat but no one knows the answers, that would be counter effective. They must have planted people with the answers. I smirk to myself. This'll be too easy.

"Shadow Cloak Justu," I mutter to myself. My breathing slows and my body slowly fades from view of everyone in the room. No one seems to notice. I smirk at myself, glad to know that the justu I developed in my spare time works.

I step onto the desk, making my way over to Sasuke, who already has the answers. I could've cheated off of the kid next to me, but I want to test this out. I right the answers down on my hand in invisible ink.

Then I pick up his hand with the pencil in it. He stiffens but doesn't move. Smart move. I write one word down on his paper before leaving. "Thanks."

As I sit back down, Gaara's eyes flicker over to me. He didn't see me did he? I begin to worry about whether or not I was seen by anyone else. The stress gets to my head and I begin to lose control.

Something squeezes my leg, bringing me back to reality. I look down to see a line of sand moving away from me. He knew I was losing it? And he stopped it? What's with this kid?

I frown and elbow him softly in the arm. I don't need his help. I don't need anyone's help. I'm fine on my own. I repeat that to myself as I copy down Sasuke's answers. I will become a great ninja and I will show them what I can do.

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