Life- am I right! (MLBxDC) -Feilinette-

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UwU!!! Heyo!
This was requested by  asthasangal
Hope you like it!

Marinette is ready to murder the cat. No, not Chat noir. Chat de nuit.
Let me start from the beginning.

Marinette Al-Ghul-Wayne twin sister of Damian Al-Ghul-Wayne hasn't had an easy life. To start it off, she was born into the League of Assassins, to Talía Al-Ghul, which was just plan bad luck, as Ra's is sexist, and doesn't believe that a girl could rule the League. So he demanded that Talia throw her out.
Talia refused, because this was her baby girl they were talking about not just some random stranger.

Well, time passed, Damian and Marinette formed a close bond, and Talia trained Marinette more ruthlessly then she did with Damian, because she wanted her daughter to survive this life.

When Marinette turned 9, Ra's forced her to leave, or he'd kill her beloved mother. Ra's disowned the girl, but didn't kill her, as he did have some shred of respect for his daughters wish to keep the child.

Anyways, Marinette fled, she ran, taking up a new identity, and hoping that her mother, grandfather and brother never found her, because if they did, Ra's would murder Talia, and make Marinette watch, and then kill her afterwards.
Marinette fled to London, where the Dupain-Cheng's ended up adopting her for some reason or another.

The Dupain-Chengd enroll Marinette in an advanced school, a school that a certain boy named Felix Graham de Vanily went to as well.
Marinette (now under the name of Mary) and Felix become best friends....

About a month after Marinette arrives, a villain arose, and 9 year old Marinette was forced to become Ladybug, and Felix becomes Chat de nuit.

Ladybug and Chat de nuit fight this villain for 3 years before they finally managed to defeat the villain... and when they do, it doesn't even last long because Gabriel and Natalie stile the butterfly and peacock miraculous.

Tom and Sabine decide to leave London and start a Bakery in Paris, so they moved, forcing Marinette to come with them.

Marinette was flipping across the roofs to her and Chat de nuit's meeting place, when she saw him, standing there in all his glory, waiting for her.

"Chat de nuit?" She asked softly, and he simply said,

"Plagg claws in." He said, and was engulfed in a blinding neon green light, and it faded, leaving Felix.

"Felix?" Ladybug asked, confused, and he laughs slightly.

"I suppose you probably do know me bug." He chuckled, and Ladybug smiled sadly, but softly, and said,

"Tikki, spots off"

"Mary?" Felix barley breathed, and Marinette laughed.

"Sup Felix" Felix gaps like a fish for a few seconds, and Marinette laughs at him.

"Cat got your tounge?" Marinette started, before getting serious... "Look, Fe, I've got big news..."

"What's up?" He asked, and Marinette sighed

"I'm moving. To Paris. With Tom and Sabine..." Felix raised an eyebrow,

"You're moving? Do you have a choice? And what do you mean by 'Tom and Sabine' ? Aren't they your parents?" Marinette sighed.

"Yes, I'm moving. No, I don't have a choice. And no, Tom and Sabine adopted me after [explains whole backstory]"

"Oh wow" was all Felix managed to say, and Marinette chuckled.

"Can I have a hug before I go?" Marinette asked, and Felix nodded, hugging her, and as she was pulling away, he kissed her.

Realizing what he'd done, he blushed and hurried to leave, leaving Marinette a blushing mess on the rooftop of some random building.


Marinette moves to Paris, and starts going to school at the prestigious Francois DuPont.
Again,  Marinette is given the Ladybug Miraculous, at this point, the Guardian told her that she could just keep it until the box passed on to the next person. Adrien was given the Cat miraculous until Hawkmoth and Mayura were defeated.

Miracle Queen happened when Marinette was 14, and she became the Guardian.

When she was 15, a little lying fox came in, and began charming the sheep.

At 16 she beats Hawkmoth, and takes away Adriens Miraculous.

Now, Marinette is 17.

She misses her twin, but know better then to try to contact him where he is- she knew Ra's had died, but she had no idea what he'd told them, her brother, her mother, oh he probably made them hate her...
She missed Felix- her best friend, and maybe something more?

"And tomorrow, we have a new transfer student from London!" Mrs Busiter said, catching the attention of Marinette. She gasped, near silently.

From Londan? Felix?

The next day, class started, per-usual, but this time, Mrs. B invites someone into the classroom.

"Felix" Marinette barley breathes his name, and yet, somehow he heard her.

Turning to look at her, Felix smiled, and winked.

Marinette growled, Felix-

"MARY! THAT WAS EXTREMELY RUDE!" the former 'best friend' of Marinette yelled, and Marinette ignored her.

Getting up, and slowly walking to Felix, she smiled. When she got next to him, she smiled, and slapped him. Hard.

"Mari!" Felix cried- half from pain, and not from shock.

Time skip- Marinette and Felix become good friends again, and start to date.

A month later, they get a trip to- guess where- GOTHAM!

Lila, is, ofc, lying about her 'damiboo' Damian Wayne, and Felix is barley stopping Marinette from violently murdering the Liar, because the trip would be delayed if a student went missing (Marinette is an assassin-)

Marinette goes to Gotham- meets up with Damian by chance, and the two build their bond together- so on and so forth.

Time passes, and the class (minus Marinette) go back to Paris.

Damian hasn't introduced Marinette to the family- well- Alfred knows- and has met her- but that's a story for another day.
(I won't be writing it-)

Damian and Marinette were in their room (Alfred was aware Marinette was there, and had set up her a place to sleep- but she refused to sleep in a room without her twin) and Marinette was taking Damians measurements, and it ended up it a tickle-fight somehow?

Either way, they were laughing and having fun, when a knock came on the door. Expecting it to be Alfred, Marinette answered the door,
Only to be greated by the faces of the entire family.

"Oh hello. You must be Damians adopted-" before Marinette could finish, Damian walked over to the door.

"Tt. What do you imbeciles want?"  Of course, they ignored him, staring at the bluenette.

"Who are you?" Jason asked, and Marinette laughed.

"I'm Marinette, Marinette Al-Ghul-Wayne, Damians twin sister."






I'mma end it here as it's already too long-

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