W-what? N-no. -Kagaminette-

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Kagaminette/Marigami has been a thing for a while, but nobody really knows, Tomoe, Sabine, and Tom Approve. LIE-LA DIED BEFORE SHE EVER WENT TO PARIS!!! So the cliche classroom is back on. Also, Kagami transferred into Mari's school.

Marinette hadn't shown up to school that day, and everyone was worried. Sure, Marinette would be late, every now and again, but she had never, and I repeat, never missed a full day of school without a legitimate horrible thing happening to her. She even came to school when she was sick for gods sake!

Anyways, the gang (Alya, Nino, and Adrien) and Kagami went to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery to check up on their favorite Bluebell (Kagami is NOT a Bluebell! Idk, I just don't think that would ever be her nickname) When they got there, the Bakery was closed.

"Weird. It is Wednesday right?" Alya asked, Kagami nodded, dread growing in the pit of her stomach. "Don't the dudettes have the Bakery open from 9am to 4pm on Wednesday?" Nino asked, and again, Kagami nodded.

Of course, only now did they think of calling/texting the Dupain-Chengs (fucking morons)

"Wait, lemme text them." Kagami said pulling out her phone.


Mari-hime? What's going on? Are you alright?

"You should text Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng too" Adrien interjected, Kagami nodded.


Mrs Cheng? What's going on?! Are you guys alright?!!!


Kagami! Marinette's in the hospital! I'd advise you come quick!


What?! Why?! Which hospital?


We're at ******** (Address)



"Marinette's in the Hospital."

-Time skip, they're at the hospital, on their way to Mari's room-

"Mrs. Cheng! What happened?! Is Marinette alright?!"Kagami asked as she caught sight of the elder woman. Sabine turned towards the group, and smiled sadly.

"Marinette. . . . . she got in a freak car accident. . . we don't know if she'll be alright. . . . the doctor said she'd probably go into a Coma that's how bad her wounds are, but he won't tell us anymore." Kagami practically wilted, her demeanor going from panicked, worried, and concerned, to heartbroken, and scared. "N-no. Marinette's strong. S-she'll pull through it. She has to."

"You should go and say goodbye. She's not going to make it." the doctor said, with a somber look in his eye, Kagami didn't even try to stop the tears from falling down her face. "W-what?! N-no. She can't-"

Kagami rushed in, and sat next to Marinette, placing her head on the metal rail, Marinette opened her eyes, and smiled, grasping Kagami's hand, "G-gami. I- I love you"

The end! Did I make you cry?? I made myself cry.....

Ultimatefriend2021 It's Kagaminette! Hope ya enjoyed.

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