He's NOT a father of mine. ~Daminette~ (PJOXMLBXDC)

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Yes, I know I keep going AWOL and not responding to ANYTHING every little while, and I'm SORRY! I just- yeah.

Anyways, please enjoy.

Marinette Jackson, twin sister of Percy Jackson, was not beloved as her brother. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was despised. The satyrs, gods, and demi-gods hated her, and even Percy wouldn't look at her with any of the love he once had for her.

Marinette was not quite sure what she'd done to make them hate her, but she couldn't stay. Not with all the hate. She left a note for her brother, and left.


I don't know why you and everyone else are mad at me, but I can't live like this. I'm leaving. I won't tell you where I'm going, but remember,

You were made for great things Percy. You can do anything. I love you, and please don't worry about me.

I'll be fine. I'll come back if anything big happens. I love you, and I'll miss you brother.

Your twin sister,


Marinette swore she'd never tell anyone of her past, nor her heritage. She would not EVER use her unnatural powers, well, except breathing under water, she'd never give that up, but Mari swore she'd never do anything to attract their attention again.

Of course, Percy got over his hate for her, because it wasn't truly hate. After she left, Percy saw his mistake, and missed her more than anything, but respected her decision.

Marinette went to Gotham, a city she'd always wanted to visit, and a city she doubted would be affected by her bad luck. Not long after she showed up, she bumped into the ice prince of Gotham, and fell in love. Of course, he fell in love too.

Weeks went by, and they started dating, a month went by, and she meet the league.


"I'm Marinette!" she said smiling brightly at them, and recognizing Aquaman, but hoping he didn't recognize her. Of course, all of her hope was in vain. Auquaman bowed low to the floor. "Miss Marinette, it's a pleasure to meet the daughter of-" Marinette cut him off, not wanting him to reveal her secret.

"Oh give it up. Dad hates me. I aint no princess. Get up! I'm not his daughter. I don't give a fuck what they think anymore. I'm just Marinette now." Aquaman gasped at the Marinette's blatant disrespect for Poseidon. "My lady! You shouldn't say such things!" Marinette scowled.

"I literally just said, I'm not his fucking daughter anymore! I denuded my tittle when he made it obvious, he HATED me! I'm not your fucking lady and stop telling me what to do!"

Marinette stormed off.


Months latter, Damian proposed. Years latter, Marinette was a Wayne, and had almost forgotten about her twin, and her father, and the hatred. Almost.

Of course, that was until Bruce invited a rising architect, Anabeth Chase, and her boyfriend, Percy Jackson over for dinner. Now, Anabeth had never, and I mean never been mean to Mari, in fact, they'd been friends while Mari was at camp.

"Marinette?" Anabeth asked when the Wayne butler showed them in, and she caught sight of her friend from so long ago. Marinette's head shot up, and she turned slowly. "Anabeth? What are you doing here?" Anabeth smiled.

"Bruce invited me. You?" Marinette laughed slightly. "It's family dinner. I came with my Husband." Anabeth's eyes widened.

"You got married!" Marinette nodded. And then, Percy was led into the room (they took a detour? Idk) and he gasped, rushing over to Marinette.

"Oh! Mari! I missed you, and I'm so, so, so sorry!" Marinette laughed and pulled him in for a hug. "It's ok Perc. I forgave you a long time ago." then, she turned to Anabeth.

"Anabeth! You're dating my seaweed brain of a brother?!" Anabeth laughed and nodded. Of course, their little reunion was interrupted.

"Pixe-pop? What the hell? How do you know them?!" Marinette flinched. "Uh, Jay, meet my twin brother, Percy Jackson, and a friend from a while ago, Anabeth Chase." Dick tilted his head, a huge grin growing on his face.

"Mari! You have a twin?! That is so cool!" however, Tim was more skeptical. "Why is this the first time we're meeting him? Why is he sorry. What happened between the two of you?"

~Lazy~ Not going to finish it, sorry.  

Hope you enjoyed Hinawa12

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