An Avengers-Level-Threat

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SoggyNugget704 Thanks for the request! :) I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Natasha Romanoff knows what the Miraculous are, and someone from the Red-Room was a former holder.

Marinette had gotten sick of Paris, but, I mean, could you blame her? Ladybug, Queen Bee, Ryko, and Viperion, had taken down Hawkmoth and Mayrua. . . and the media was becoming to much. So, she did the most reasonable thing. She took the Miraculous (did I forget to mention she's the guardian??) and moved. She moved to New York, to be precise. 

However, despite how much Marinette didn't want to be in the public's eyes, she couldn't help but long to help. 

So she did. She became Scarlet жук (bug), of course she changed her costume too.

(I found this on 'We heart it' shared by dianvico) I adore that drawing ^^^^ 

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(I found this on 'We heart it' shared by dianvico) I adore that drawing ^^^^ 

Of course, The suit still protects ALL of her from bullets and the like.

blah-blah-blah- ok, so S.H.I.E.L.D. is keeping track of all the new heros, and they recruit Scarlet жук to help them fight the MIND CONTROLLED GOD (I will not take any disagreement on this. LOKI WAS MIND CONTROLED, and I believe LOKI is a good person, and that Loki is AWESOME, and if you don't like that, well, I don't give a fuck. Please take your un-wanted opinion elsewhere. {Unless you think Loki is awesome, then it's wanted. I don't even friggn care why you think he's awesome, just that you think he's awesome.})

Ok so, blah- I'ma skip to after when she's talking with Tony. 

He's seen her 'Lucky charm' 

"I'm Scarlet жук, but you can call me Scarlet if you'd like!" Scarlet жук cheerfully told Tony, who tilted his head, "What are your powers? Are you a mutant? Or is it all tech?" Scarlet жук's smile dropped for a second, but she quickly recovered it.

"Actually, it doesn't come from either! my powers come from an ancient form of magic!" she said full on smiling, (and quite clearly lighting the room) Tony scowled. "There isn't such thing as magic. Nano tech?" Scarlet жук tilted her head.

"I'm honored you think I'm smart enough to create nano-tech, but no. It's not nano-tech." Tony was getting frustrated, he growled "Ok?! SO HOW THE FUCK DOES IT WORK?!" Scarlet жук laughed. 

"First of, I've got no idea, second off, stop swearing, your ruining my "young impressionable mind"" she said doing finger quotations around "young impressionable mind" at that Natasha laughed, interrupting, she directed her question at Scarlet жук. "So, Scarlet was it? Is it the Ladybug Miraculous?" Scarlet жук's smile light up the room.

"Yep! I assume your familiar?" she asked slightly tilting her head, Natasha nodded. "Yeah, one of my teachers was a holder, she and Tikki were good friends." Scarlet жук walked over, and much to everyone's surprise, pulled Natasha in for a hug. The two talked about Miraculous for a little while, before Thor finally interrupted. 

"Wait, Lady Scarlet, you posses the Ladybug Miraculous?" Scarlet жук turned to Thor with a smile. "Yes! You know them? and please, just call me Scarlet!" Thor nodded,

"I have heard tales, they are a legend among my people." and with that, the girls, and Thor talked about Miraculous, and previous Ladybugs, and all of that.

Finally Clint interrupted. "Ok. Uh. Did I miss something?" Bruce and Tony gave him a look. "Yeah, welcome back to the real world," 

Well, I enjoyed that :) I was planning on making it longer, but. . . I got distracted. :) Anyways, have an awesome day people! And please remember to request what you want to read!

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