Of Adline -Chloenette-

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Marinette was not, in fact, a Bakers daughter, or the biological daughter of the Dupain-Chengs. Marinette's real name, known by few, was Marinette Aldine. As it happened, she was the daughter of King Fe and Queen Bri. Princess Marinette of Aldine.

Chloe Bourgeois, was not the daughter of the Mayor, seeing as they live in the capital of France, Chloe, is in fact, the niece of the king, not that she pulled the 'my-uncle-is-the-king-' card. She was still a brat, and go away with everything, and she's a bully. (Not, she is acting, to help protect Mari's cover, as Marinette's best friend, and future wife.)

It was a morning like any other, Marinette stumbled in late, as always, but before Mrs. B. could tell her off, Marinette pressed her hands against her chest, doubling over in pain, and letting out a heart wrenching sob, followed by an ear piecing scream. Everyone started at Marinette in shock. She'd never done that before, she'd never cried in front of them, she'd never showed pain.

Chloe, the only who had seen her. . . vulnerable. . . got over her shock first, rushing over to her betrothed and helping her out of the classroom. The class was stunned, of course.

Why was Chloe of all people helping Mari? Why had Marinette screamed? She'd seemed perfectly fine. . .

Now, the answer to that was not so simple. Marinette's father had died, making Marinette's mother the dowager queen. . . who did not wish to rule without her husband by her side, she stepped down, in favor of the older twin, and his fiancé. Now, if Marinette had wanted to, she could have ruled side-by-side with her brother, but she chose not to, and with the permission of her mother, Marinette spent the better part of her months in France with her betrothed. (I say month, because she visits home at least once a month, she still has duties as a princess. . . ) anyways, Marinette had a deep soul connection with her brother, and at the exact moment her brother was killed, Marinette felt both the pain her brother did, and the pain of losing something so dear to her heart.

Marinette and Chloe contacted Marinettes mom after they left the classroom to find out what happened. The Dowager Queen told them that Marinette's twin brother, Marin and his queen Charlotte had been assassinated. Marinette and Chloe were devastated, for Marinette her brother was so much a part of her, and for Chloe it was like losing a best friend, after all, she had been Marinette's betrothed since like. . .age 3.

Marinette informed her mother that she and Chloe would be there as soon as they could. Which was basically only the time it took them to get to the airport and the time it took the plane to fly there. Because they didn't even need to pack, seeing as they lived in Aldine part time.

Of course, Bri didn't want to tear Marinette and Chloe away from their friends, so she did the only logical thing. SHE INVITED THEM TO ALDINE FOR THE WEDDING AND CORINATION.


Mrs. B. walked into the classroom with a right smile the next day. "Good Morning class! I have an exciting announcement!" however, before she could continue, Alya raised her hand, Mrs. B. called on her. "Where's Marinette and Chloe?" Mrs. B. smiled.

"Marinette and Chloe had a family emergency and had to return home." Rose raised her hand hesitantly, Mrs. B. called on her. "What do you mean? Are they siblings or something?" Mrs. B. chuckled.

"Anyways, on with my announcement. The Dowager Queen of Aldine invited our class to go to Aldine for the Marriage and Coronation of her youngest daughter." Alya raised her hand again, and Mrs. B. shook her head. "Yes Alya?"

"How will Chloe and Marinette know?" Mrs. B. sighed. "They will be meeting us in Aldine. Don't worry about it."


Ofc Mari and Chlo did NOT know that the class was showing up in Aldine, as Queen Bri didn't tell them.

They continued making preparations as Mrs. B.'s class back in Paris prepared to go to Aldine, learning the language, and proper etiquette.

They first time Chloe and Marinette saw the class in Aldine, it was at there wedding.

Chloe, of course, would have to take Marinette's last name, seeing as Marinette was 1st in line for a throne, whereas it was completely unlikely that Chloe would ever rule her home country.


"Chloe?" Sabrina asked, her eyes widening, as she caught sight of her 'tormenter' (Chloe was actually nice to her) dressed in white, at a wedding. (That is something you DO NOT DO. NEVER wear white to a wedding . . .because most of the time, the bride{s} wants to be the ONLY one{s} in white.) Chloe turned around, surprised, and started talking rapid-fire Adli (the language) at them.

Of course, not many of them understood, and Sabrina asked her to repeat herself in French, Chloe shook her head and said "Sorry about that. Why are you guys here?" in French, and Mrs. B. chuckled.

"Her imperial highness didn't tell you? She invited us to the wedding and coronation." Chloe gasped, before turning and rapid-fire yelling at an older lady on the dais of to the side of the room.

"Mama Bri! You invited the class?! Why?!!!" the few in the class that could understand, were confused. Why was Chloe calling Queen Bri 'Mama Bri'?!?!

Just then, Marinette walked into their line of sight, walking right up to Chloe, and kissing her, before noticing the class, and turning to yell at the lady on the dais. "MA! Why did you invite them without telling me?!!!" the lady on the dais gave an apologetic-unapologetic smile.

Marinette sighed, and turned to the class. "I'm sure you're all very confused," she began, before Alix interrupted her. (In this AU Alix is more like MJ ok?) "Actually, I'm not. You're Princess Marinette of Aldine and Chloe Bourgeois of France is your betrothed." everyone gasped.


The end. I hope you liked it alexdyar2231!

I did my best.

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