Chaton's Lullaby

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This is an adaptation of "Chat's Lullaby" and I stole the idea from "Moving on, and a last Goodbye" both are amazing, but neither are my own, all I did was re-work it. 

A scream pierced the dark of the Manor, and it's occupants came running, Tim was the first to reach the door, he opened it slowly, holding a lamp pole like a weapon, what he found, caused him to drop the lamp, but luckily, it didn't cause to much noise.

Marinette was curled up on her bed, blankets on the floor, except one, wrapped around her rocking form, she sang to herself softly.

"Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his lady

Bruce, Jason, Alfred, and Damian all arrived at the same time, creeping into the room to see Marinette's shaking form.

"Sitting with the moon, while his mind is going crazy. Waiting for the day. Hoping for a way. Everything could change."

Marinette continued her melody, still not noticing them, 

"That he might be saved. Little kitty in the cold, along the broken tower. Watching as the time goes by, but does it matter? If she could be saved. Just what would she say? To the one that made her grave. Is it too much to ask, for a love that would last?"

The batfam watched as the girl they had grown to love, sang threw her tears, sang to herself, comfort seeping into her soul, from a song she had heard from her Chaton.

"Cause he gave his heart away, and watched the pieces fray As they drift down below to her- one after the other. She loved me so. He means she loves him so. She loves him not? He must have just forgot. That no one hears his call. Little kitty on the ledge waiting for his lovely lady. Visions in his head of her face and every memory. That they ever shared."

Marinette's frame violently shook with her tears, but you wouldn't know it by the sound of her voice, a beautiful bell ringing through the night. 

"Did she truly care? Though he's all alone, one day she'll be home. Is it too much to ask, for a love that would last? Cause he gave his heart away, and watched the pieces fray As they drift down below to her- one after the other."

The bats finally worked up the courage, and edged further into her room, Marinette didn't notice, her voice beginning to wavier with her tears.

"She loved me so. He means she loves him so. She loves him not? He must have just forgot. That no one hears his call. Happiness dissolved, how could I let it end like this? Felt the crumbling, took the fall, remembering shadows of a kiss."

Marinettes voice started to fade, as she sang the last lines, the pure agony and longing in her voice was evident, even to the most oblivious.

 "Boy and girl, hand in hand, now only bitterness remains! How I wish the frost would thaw and let me fix the mess I've made! She loves him so. She loves him not? He must have just forgot. That no one hears his call."

Marinette's voice faded out completely with the song, Dick made his way to her bed, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. Marinette glanced at him with tear-filled eyes. 

"That's a beautiful song Mari," he began, but stopped. He didn't know where to go, Marinette smiled her heart-broken smile at him. "It was Chaton's Lullaby, he- he sang while he waited for me on patrol." Chaton? Patrol?

"Well, this 'Chaton' is really talented." Marinette smiled at him. "Chat was. He really was." Marinette broke down sobbing again. It was Jason who asked the next question,

"What happened to him?" Marinette spoke through her sobs, "He- wished me back to life, the cost of my sacrifice, he sang me to death, his voice, was the last thing I heard. He wished, he combined, the price, the price was his life." 

AGAIN, NOT MY IDEA, I just put a creative spin on the already amazing piece. 

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