Ummm... that was fun!!! Kagaminette (MLBxDC)

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A long time ago, at some public function, Dianna and Bruce... got drunk.
9 months later, Marinette was born, Marinette Prince.
Fast forward a couple of years, and Fianna has to go on a mission, a mission that would take about a year,  so she left Marinette with her trusted friend, Sabine Cheng, in China (why she didn't just leave Marinette on the island idk, plot convince) little did she know, Sabine was marrying the love of her life, Tom Dupain, and moving to Paris with him.
During these big events, Sabine lost contact with Diana, and after another year, Tom and Sabine legally changed Marinettes name from "Marinette Prince" to "Nette Dupain-Cheng"
And so Marinette lived under the name "Nette" with her beloved Aunt, and uncle.
As time passed, stuff happened.
Eventually, Marinette fell in love, with the prestigious Kagami Tsurugi, anywho,
After a while, Kagami and Marinette got together.
"Hey Nette?" Kagami asked, and Marinette responded with
"Marinette. My name is Marinette." Kagami blinked.
"Auntie Sabine and Uncle Tom legally changed my name after they couldn't contact my mom. But my name is Marinette, I'd be ever so happy if you'd call me that"
"This is a lot to take in.... Who's your mom?" Marinette laughed at that one,
"Diana, Diana Prince"
Kagami looked like a fish out of water. "Wait a damn minute...! Are you trying to tell me you're the fucking daughter of Wonder Woman?!"

"Ms. Dianna, ummm... that was fun!" Kagami said huffing, while Marinette laughed off to the side,
Kagami had just battled Diana, (and lost- but what's to be expected?!)

~The End~

Marinette One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora